
  • 网络small satellite
  1. 某微小型卫星姿轨控计算机系统的设计

    Design of a Small Satellite Attitude and Orbit Control Computer

  2. 多用途重力梯度和磁控三轴稳定小型卫星公用平台

    Multi-mission gravity gradient and magnetic stabilization for small satellite platform

  3. MEMS在推进系统中的应用,能够满足微小型卫星对星载推进系统小型化、微推力、高精度的要求。

    It can be concluded that MEMS-based propulsion can meet the requirement of miniaturization , micro thrust and high accurate impulse bit for the propulsion system of micro satellite .

  4. 小型卫星地面站中ODU控制器的通信模块设计

    Design of a Communication Module for the ODU controller in VSAT

  5. 维京银河(VirginGalactic)公司曾与白骑士的设计师合作开发了一个把游客送入太空的系统。该公司也表示,希望该系统能被用于发射小型卫星。

    Virgin Galactic , which has teamed up with White Knight 's designers to develop a system to put tourists into space , has also expressed a hope that the system can be used to launch small satellites .

  6. 上世纪90年代,轨道科学公司(现为轨道ATK公司)从一架改装的L-1011客机的机身下发射火箭,将小型卫星送入近地轨道。

    In the 1990s , Orbital Sciences Corp. ( now Orbital ATK ) began releasing rockets from the belly of a converted L-1011 airliner to put small satellites into low Earth orbit .

  7. 为了解决延迟问题,SpaceX可能会发射多颗小型卫星,在比Viasat更低的轨道上运行。因为卫星离地面越近,发生延迟的可能性就越低。

    SpaceX is looking to launch several small satellites into a lower orbit than Viasat in order to cut down on latency errors , with the idea being the closer a satellite is to Earth , the less likely there will be hiccups .

  8. 荷兰皇家防御学院的研究人员roylindelauf称,该学院正在研究,一“群”小型卫星怎么才能比一颗大卫星更安全地运行,分散操作,以保护若干独立单元不受损失。

    The Royal Dutch defence academy is working out how a " constellation " of small satellites can operate more safely than a big satellite , distributing operations to protect against the loss of some individual units , says Roy lindelauf , one of the researchers .

  9. 根据中国航天科工集团公司(CASIC)的一份声明,中国计划在2025年前发射156颗小型卫星,为低信号区和自然环境恶劣的地区提供互联网服务。

    China plans to launch 156 small satellites by 2025 to provide Internet services in low signal areas and places with adverse natural environment , according to an announcement by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation ( CASIC ) .

  10. 其次论述重力梯度小型卫星平台可能达到的技术性能指标;

    Then some technical performances of gravity gradient satellite platform are presented .

  11. 对于在小型卫星式办公的人来说也是十分有用的。

    It is also useful to people who work in small satellite offices .

  12. 小型卫星电视接收系统频率分析

    Frequency Analysis of Receiving System of Small Satellite TV

  13. 小型卫星天线寻星与测量是一个计算机软件控制硬件的问题,本课题从硬件和软件两个方面进行了系统设计。

    This article designs the system from two aspects of software and hardware .

  14. 小型卫星接收系统的几个问题

    Several Problems About Mini - Satellite Reception Network

  15. 低轨小型卫星的发展和应用

    Development and Application of Small Low Orbit Satellite

  16. 小型卫星电视地面无线转播系统

    Small Satellite TV Ground Radio Relay System

  17. 小型卫星的固体火箭推进系统

    A solid rocket propulsion for small satellites

  18. 小型卫星有效载荷的小型化与集成化

    Miniaturization and Integration of Small Satellite Payload

  19. 这家英国公司以制造创新,低成本的小型卫星声名大噪。

    The British company has earned itself a reputation for building innovative low-cost small satellites .

  20. 小型卫星通信地球站

    Miniature earth station for satellite communication

  21. 有个更简单的办法,就是制造可快速组装且价格低廉的小型卫星。

    A simpler approach is to build smaller satellites that can be assembled quickly and cheaply .

  22. 随着微小型卫星的发展,液化气推进系统成为了此类航天器推进系统的选择。

    The liquefied gas propulsion system is a good selection for the micro satellite orbit and attitude control .

  23. 其它8颗卫星来自由欧洲、加拿大和日本研究机构研制的小型卫星。

    The eight other satellites launched are small ones built by research institutions from Europe , Canada and Japan .

  24. 据中国航天科学家介绍,这一次发射的成功是中国小型卫星发展的一个技术性突破。

    The launch indicated a technological breakthrough in the country 's development of small satellites , Chinese space scientists said .

  25. 该设施通过智能制造技术可将小型卫星的生产效率提高40%以上。

    The facility can improve the production efficiency of small satellites by more than 40 percent with smart manufacturing techniques .

  26. 微型星敏感器以其质量小、体积小、功耗小、精度高的优点在小型卫星中得到了越来越多的应用。

    Featuring micro mass , volume , power consumption and high accuracy , micro star tracker gains broad application in microsatellites .

  27. 飞马座火箭是美国第1种机载空中发射型固体运载火箭,主要用于将小型卫星送入近地轨道。

    Pegasus is the first air launched solid rocket in America , which is used to place small satellites into low earth orbit .

  28. 随着微小型卫星的发展,以及我国对地观测和空间对接的需要,我们需要卫星对姿态进行高精度的控制。

    With the development of micro-satellite and the need of Earth observation mission or space docking mission , we need to control the satellite precisely .

  29. 把这个成本与15万美元的蜂窝基站相比,小型卫星就变成了一个很明智的选择。帕克说。

    Compare those costs to , say , a cellular tower at $ 150,000 , and the small satellite becomes the obvious choice , Parker says .

  30. 在小型卫星的发射这一市场,目前只有天马火箭公司提供一些服务。他们用商务喷气式飞机在高空进行发射。

    The market for launching small satellites is presently only partly served by the Pegasus rocket , which is launched at high altitude by a commercial jet aircraft .