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  1. 上市公司实际控制人舞弊透视及治理

    Seeing Through and Governing the Fraud of Listed Company 's Actual Controller

  2. 我们干吗不再跳一人舞?

    Why do not we have one more dance ?

  3. 或者她们觉得那些年轻人舞跳得比我们好。

    Or they thought those young guys would be better dancers than us .

  4. 在舞蹈编舞技法中的双人舞、三人舞、群舞技法的结合。

    In the dance choreography technique in the pas de deux , three dances , dance technique combined with .

  5. 这段舞蹈视频在网上引起了网友们的讨论热潮,推特上有人就将其比作“绿野仙踪铁皮人舞”。

    A video of her dance moves provoked hilarity online , with jokers comparing her to the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz.

  6. 结尾的部分,他避开了以往的那种男人扶着女人的脖子保持平衡的二人舞,而是让男人勒住了女人,并让她窒息死去。

    At the end he slips in a little duet where the man having balanced his partner in a neck hold apparently strangles her and leaves her for dead .