
  • 网络production test;production experiment
  1. PEO助留系统在广纸7纸机的生产试验

    Production Test of PEO Retention Aid System Used in # 7 Paper Machine of Guangzhou Paper Mill

  2. 通过在湘泉浓香型白酒的混蒸混烧工艺中添加TH-AADY和糖化酶,进行多季节连排生产试验。

    TH-AADY and saccharifying enzyme were added during mixed-steaming and mixed-heating of Xiangquan Luzhou-flavor liquor for multiple-seasons consecutive production test .

  3. PBT磨尖丝采用分散染料染色代替色母粒染色的生产试验

    Productive Test on Dyeing of the Disperse Dyes Instead of Colored Dyes

  4. 工业性生产试验表明,冷作模具通过VC覆层扩散处理,其使用寿命提高了3倍。

    Results of commercial pilot tests show that TD treatment is available to prolong the service life of cold-worked dies as 3 times long as they were .

  5. 根据计算结果选取MAS轧制参数,在中厚板轧机上进行了现场生产试验,效果良好。

    The experiments were carried out on a plate mill with parameters selected based on simulation results , and the results were satisfactory .

  6. 粉状球化剂MDC的生产试验研究

    Investigation on MDC Powder Nodularizing Alloy

  7. 通过生产试验对比表明,经优化的LF炉精炼渣,其发泡埋弧效果、脱硫能力都优于现用渣系。

    Compared in the trial production , both the foaming performance and desulphurizing ability of optimizing LF refining slag were superior to the slag current using .

  8. 通过生产试验,对Q235中板表面纵向裂纹进行检测和分析。

    The longitudinal crack on the surface of Q235 jobbing sheet is examined and analyzed during production .

  9. 介绍了FD-300型液压传动顶驱式钻机的设计思路及钻机的组成、性能、主要参数、主要特点以及钻机型式检验与生产试验概况。

    This paper describes the FD-300 hydraulic top-drive drill In its design concept , components , performance , main parameters , main features , as well as verification of the drill version and the field test .

  10. 改装后的G-3钻机在河南钼矿现场进行生产试验,效果良好。

    We use the improved G-3 Engineering driller to proceed field test at Henan molybdenum minerals . The result is very fine .

  11. GRS公司有能力在我们的英国设施中执行生产试验,以便提供我们的技术咨询服务,并且帮助提高铸件的质量和生产效率。

    GRS has the ability to carry out manufacturing trials at our UK facility , to offer our technical consultancy service and help improve the quality of the castings and manufacturing efficiency .

  12. FCA乳化M2油-M4浮选剂在两个选煤厂的生产试验结果表明:M4浮选剂具有浮选速度快、药剂用量少和精煤产率高等优点,并具有一定的技术经济效益。

    The demonstration results of the emulsified M_2 oil by FCA-M_4 floatation reagent at two coal preparation plants show that M_4 has the advantages of high rate of floatation and high yield of combustible , and low consumption of reagent , and some techno-economic benefits .

  13. 以酱油酿造用菌粉为出发菌S,经分离、纯化后再经紫外线诱变(30W、25cm、30min)及控温培养处理后,获得1株变异菌株,进行生产试验。

    With powder starter of brewing soy sauce as original strain , a mutant was obtained by isolation , purification , induced mutation by UV ( 30 w , 25 cm , 30 min ), and temperature-control cultivation .

  14. W-03、驻9217、西安2007的品质达国优标准,且丰产性好、抗逆性强,可直接进行生产试验示范。

    The quality of W-03 , Zhu 9217 , Xian 2007 achieved national quality standard with high yield and good resistance , which can be used in production test and demonstration .

  15. 高锰酸钾去除地表水中锰的生产试验

    A Test of Manganese Removal from Surface Water by Potassium Permanganate

  16. 传统活性污泥法工艺投加粉末活性炭的生产试验性应用

    Trial Application of Conventional Activated Sludge Process with Powdered Activated Carbon

  17. 制定并检查生产试验计划(解决后勤供应问题)

    Develop and review production trial plan ( resolve logistics issues )

  18. 稀土氧化镧作玻璃澄清剂的生产试验

    Production tests on rare-earth lanthana as refining agent in glass melting process

  19. 生产试验证实其应用效果好。

    The good application results tested by production are achieved .

  20. 厌氧滤池处理生活污水生产试验研究

    Research on Anaerobic Treatment of Domestic Sewage In Septic Tank

  21. 冬季河蟹人工育苗的生产试验

    Experiment on Artificial Reproduction of Chinese Mitten Crab in Winter

  22. 微细粒浸染型泥质金矿石制粒堆浸生产试验

    Granulating heap leaching production test for microfine grained disseminated argillaceous gold ore

  23. 南山绒毛草品种试验及生产试验报告

    Variety Test and Productive Test Report of Yorkshire Fog Grass at Nan Shan

  24. 废旧新闻纸化学法中性脱墨的工业生产试验

    Industrial production experiment on neutral deinking of waste newsprint

  25. 白三叶种子大面积生产试验初报

    Production in large area for seeds of Trifolium repens

  26. 中锰铸铁钢锭模生产试验与研究

    The Production Test and Study On Medium & Manganese Cast Iron Ingot Mould

  27. 改善含机械浆涂布纸白度稳定性的生产试验

    Improving the Brightness Stability of Machine-finished Coated Mechanical Paper : A Mill Trial

  28. 491气缸体的铸造生产试验

    Trial Production Castings of Cylinder Block for 491 Engine

  29. 应用气动脱硫技术改善球墨铸铁曲轴质量的生产试验研究

    A Study on Improving Quality of Ductile Iron Crankshaft Using Porous Plug Desulfurization

  30. 大通县引进饲用大麦生产试验

    Production trial of the introducing food-barley in Datong County