
  • drafter
  1. 对细纱机常采用的依纳V型牵伸机构进行了优化改进。

    A new method is designed to improve the V type draft system .

  2. 依纳V型牵伸机构的优化设计

    The Optimization Design for INA V-style Drafting System

  3. 结果表明,气动V形牵伸机构在生产中适合大牵伸工艺,粗纱定量加重,成纱质量较弹簧摇架加压好。

    The result shows that pneumatic V type draft mechanism is suitable for large draft technology in production , and if weighing roving quantum , yarn quality is better than pressure of spring cradle .

  4. 本文对A512型细纱机的牵伸机构进行了研究,并提出改造的方向。对车头牵伸部件进行了新的设计和改进,取得了较为满意的效果。

    The article reveals the innovation orientations of drafting system of A512 spinning frame , and introduces a new design and improvement on drafting unit in frame head section .

  5. 毛纺针梳机牵伸机构的建模研究

    Researching for Modelling of Grafting Device of Wool Spinning Gill Machine

  6. 压力棒牵伸机构的优化设计

    An Optimal Design of Pressure Bar Drafting System

  7. 胶辊是纺纱机械牵伸机构中极为敏感的部件。

    The cot is one of the most sensitive and effective components of the drafting accessories .

  8. 本文从压力棒牵伸机构对纤维的控制以及纺纱可靠性等多方面,对压力棒牵伸机构进行优化设计与评估,可供设备选型新机设计及老机改造参考。

    The author makes an optimal design and analyses the pressure bar drafting system in the aspects of its control over fibre and spinning reliability , which is quite instructive .

  9. 由于圆盘式旋流纺牵伸机构的端面以及凝聚机构接口处的特定形状,输送管道的进口面和出口面采用矩形。

    Because of the certain shape of the joints of the drafting mechanism end face and the condensing mechanism interface , the interface and end face of the conducting tube are rectangles .

  10. 指出:机织纱工艺与针织纱工艺的界限在缩小,在先进的牵伸机构条件下,稳定可靠的针织纱工艺将成为发展方向;

    It shows : the limit of knitting yarn processing and woven yarn processing is reducing now . Stable and reliable knitting yarn processing is the development tendency under the conditions of advanced drafting mechanism .

  11. 本文从精梳机的喂入机构、钳持给棉机构、锡林与顶梳机构、分离罗拉传动机构及牵伸机构等方面阐述了各种棉精梳机机构的优缺点和发展趋势。

    This article states the merits and demerits of cotton comber mechanism in various kinds and its development trends from the feed mechanism , clamping and feeding mechanism , cylinder and top comb mechanism , driving mechanism of detaching roller and drafting mechanism .

  12. 牵伸工艺应与牵伸机构性能相适应,在确保纱疵稳定、兼顾改善条干质量的条件下,各牵伸工艺参数要合理配置。

    Drafting processing is adapted to drafting mechanism performance , each drafting processing parameters are rational configured under the conditions of ensuring stable yarn defects and improving yarn quality .

  13. 并条机牵伸工艺的配置及牵伸机构缺陷的探讨

    Discussion on Disadvantages of Drafting Machine and Drowing Frame Process disposing

  14. 阐述了环锭棉纺牵伸系统的牵伸形式、加压机构、牵伸元件及牵伸传动的技术发展状况。

    Technology development of draft form , pressure mechanism , draft element and draft driving of cotton ring spinning draft system were introduced .