
  • 网络Towed Gun
  1. 牵引火炮的系统效能对比分析

    Contrast analysis of system effectiveness of light towed gun

  2. 从而解决了牵引火炮行军安全的测试和维修问题。

    In this way traveling safety of towed gun can be secured through service test and maintenance .

  3. 某型牵引火炮后坐装置的虚拟样机动力学模型以LMSVirtual。

    The virtual prototyping dynamic model of a certain gun recoil system is constructed by using LMS Virtual .

  4. 该文用层次分析法和ADC系统效能模型,对影响轻型牵引火炮系统效能的主要战术技术性能指标进行了灵敏度分析,详细介绍了火炮系统效能灵敏度分析的模型和步骤。

    By use of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) and ADC model , this paper analyzes the sensibilities of the system effectiveness and introduces the analytic models and steps .

  5. 本文针对主流大口径超轻型牵引火炮的总体结构形式,研究了超轻型火炮增加射击稳定性的原理和途径,提出一种基于Pareto多目标优化理论的超轻型火炮射击稳定性设计决策方法。

    Based on the whole structure of mainstream ultra weight-light towed howitzer , principles and approaches applicable to increase firing stability were studied . A design decision-making method to increase firing stability , based on Pareto multi-objective optimization theory , was put forward .

  6. 建立了牵引火炮列车6轮输入模型;

    A 6 - wheel model of towed howitzer train is made .

  7. 牵引火炮非线性有限元隐式动力学分析

    Implicit Dynamics Analysis of Nonlinear Finite Element for Towed Howitzer

  8. 牵引火炮行军随机振动响应研究

    The response to the random vibration of towed running howitzer

  9. 牵引火炮列车行军路面输入谱分析

    Road Spectra Analysis of Towed Howitzer Train

  10. 牵引火炮作为炮兵的主要武器,装备数量巨大。

    Towed guns , as the main weaponry equipment of artillery , are huge in quantity .

  11. 导出了牵引火炮6轮输入谱矩阵的一般形式。

    A general form of 6-wheel in - put spectra matrix of towed howitzer train is given .

  12. 大口径牵引火炮是传统的主要火力压制兵器,目前仍是我国炮兵的主要装备。

    Heavy caliber towed gun is the main traditional fire neutralizing weapon , which is still the main arms of our artillery by now .

  13. 研究牵引火炮全发射过程非线性结构动力学有限元建模和分析中的关键问题。

    The key problems of finite element modeling and analysis of nonlinear structural dynamics for the whole firing course of towed howitzer are investigated .

  14. 卸载按如下顺序卸载卡车:如果有牵引火炮,那么首先卸载火炮。

    Unload unloads the truck with the following order : if there are cannon , they are uncoupled first and manned with their crew .

  15. 基于牵引火炮海绵轮胎存在着机动性差、经济性差、行驶稳定性差、互换性差的弊端,探索牵引火炮采用充气轮胎的可行性显得尤为重要。

    It is very important and imminent to study the feasibility of the towed gun using pneumatic tyre as there are many defects of the sponge tyre in flexibility , economy , stability and interchangeability .

  16. 牵引火炮的时候,如果卡车上没有足够的位置,那么一些原来已经在卡车上的士兵将会下车以便给火炮操作手让出空间。

    If there are not enough free seats for the crew when hitching the cannon , some of the soldiers who are already in the truck must disembark in order to make room for the cannon 's crew .

  17. 主要的研究贡献在于:建立了某型牵引火炮的三维实体模型,确立了其重量和结构参数,从而为建立火炮发射动力学仿真模型奠定了基础;

    The major research contribution of this thesis lies in : Firstly , a three-dimensional entity model of the towed gun was established , and its weight and structural parameters was ascertained . It is a foundation of establishing gun dynamics simulation model .

  18. 牵引式火炮行军安全保护系统研究

    Drawn style artillery marching secure protection system research

  19. 经实地验证,牵引式火炮行军保护系统完全满足各项技术要求,完全可以实现各项故障诊断功能,从而证明各部分设计准确无误。

    By the field test , the March Safeguard System of Towed artillery absolutely satisfies each aspect of the technic requirement and can fully realize fault diagnostic function , through which veracity of the design can be proved .