
qiān yǐn chē
  • tractor;truck-tractor;prime mover;limber
  1. 牵引车、半挂车ABS道路试验及计算方法

    Road Test and Calculation Method of ABS in Tractor and Semitrailer

  2. 采用多体系统动力学理论及相应软件ADAMS,对具有平衡悬架的3轴牵引车平顺性进行研究。

    Using the theory of multi body system dynamics and its corresponding software ADAMS , the ride comfort of a tractor with tandem suspension is studied .

  3. AcmeRefiningCompany维护着一个有30辆油箱拖车和32辆牵引车的车队。

    The Acme Refining Company maintains a fleet of 30 tank trailers and 32 tractors .

  4. 串联混合动力牵引车蓄电池SOC的监测

    Monitoring of state of charge of battery of serial hybrid electric tractor

  5. 此动车组由hitachi公司制造,具有中级牵引车。

    This trainset is manufactured by Hitachi company and has middle traction .

  6. 10t牵引车拖挂液压系统设计

    Design of 10 t tractor hydraulic dragging system

  7. 本文应用机械系统分析软件ADAMS建立了由一节牵引车和五节双轴转向拖车组成的汽车列车系统13个自由度的动力学模型。

    This paper uses the ADAMS software to set up a dynamic model of tractor-trailer combination consisting of one tractor and five trailers with a total of13DOF .

  8. TEL和牵引车装备液压操作稳定装置,在导弹准备发射时降下。

    The TEL trailer and tractor are equipped with hydraulically operated stabilisers which are lowered in preparation for the missile launch .

  9. DF-31的早期型装载在一辆16轮的HanyangHY473竖立式运输发射架(TEL)车辆,由一辆牵引车和一辆半拖车所组成。

    Early variant of the DF-31 was carried on a16-wheel Hanyang HY473 TEL consisting of a tractor and a semi-trailer .

  10. 针对某六缸发动机半挂牵引车,应用振动ODS方法分析了该动力总成的振动特性,并通过模态试验验证了振动ODS分析结果的正确性。

    Aiming at a tractor with six cylinder engine , the vibration characteristics of powertrain are analyzed by using ODS method , the correctness of ODS analysis is validated through modal test .

  11. 今天,Motrec供应该领域最完整系列的工业车辆与牵引车。

    Today , Motrec offers the most complete range of industrial vehicles and tow tractors in the industry .

  12. 结合SQ-1200型无极绳连续牵引车,论述虚拟设计与制造技术的应用及其优点。

    In this paper , SQ-1200 endless rope series tractor is used to discuss the apply and merit of the virtual design and manufacture .

  13. 针对某半挂牵引车车架建立了有限元分析模型,并应用NASTRAN有限元分析软件对各种工况下的车架强度进行了有限元分析,为半挂牵引车车架的设计及改进提供了参考依据。

    In this study , the finite element model of the frame in a semi-trailing tractor was realistically constructed , the stress distribution of the frame in various conditions were analyzed by using NASTRAN software . Some suggestions were presented to help further modification of the frame .

  14. 对SQ-1200顺槽连续牵引车在各矿区的应用情况做了综合分析,对其性能优点、缺点及需改进的地方作了探讨。

    The paper makes general analysis to SQ-1200 continuous tractor along slot about its employment situation in each mining area , discusses its performance , advantage , disadvantage and matters need to improve .

  15. 重型牵引车平顺性建模与仿真分析

    Modeling and Simulation of Ride Performance of Heavy - Duty Tractors

  16. 小型半挂车和牵引车。可调整挂车转角。

    Small semitrailer and tractor . Angle of trailer is adjustable .

  17. 串联式混合动力牵引车发电机励磁调节器的研究

    Research of magnet exciting regulator of series hybrid towing tractor generator

  18. 飞机牵引车结构及动力传动系统的发展牵引力,牵引功率

    Development of Structure and Power Transmission System in Aircraft Towing Tractor

  19. 牵引车液力自动变速传动系统设计与分析

    The Design and Analyze of Hydraulic Automatic Transmission System for Tractor

  20. 轮式牵引车传动系扭转自激振动的分析

    Analysis on self-excited vibration of the transmission in wheeled tractor vehicle

  21. 军用某型牵引车车架静动态特性分析

    The analysis of static and dynamic characteristic for tractor vehicle frame

  22. 飞机牵引车全液压制动系统动态性能分析

    Analyzing Dynamical Performance of Hydraulic Brake System of Aircraft Towing Tractor

  23. 飞机牵引车液压行走驱动的试验分析

    Test Analysis on the Motion Drive Hydraulic System of Aircraft Tractor

  24. 混合动力牵引车蓄电池快速充电的控制策略

    Control strategies of charge for battery in hybrid electric towing vehicle

  25. 半挂牵引车车架强度的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis for the Frame of a Semi - trailing Tractor

  26. 港口牵引车产生断续冲击行车的故障诊断及排除

    Diagnosis and Remove of the Interrupted Lash Travelling Fault of Port Tractor

  27. 东风系列军用牵引车挂车制动系统的改进

    Improvement to Dongfeng Series Military Tractor Brake System for Trailer

  28. 飞机牵引车制动特性的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Braking Performance on Airplane Towing Tractor

  29. 顺槽连续牵引车及其信号系统在综采工作面的应用

    Application of endless rope haulage at fully mechanized coal face

  30. 飞机牵引车静压和液力传动的特点分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Hydrostatic Transmission and Hydraulic transmission for the Aircraft Tractor