
  1. 随着高速铁路的发展,电力牵引因其高效、节能、环保、灵活的优势成为世界牵引主流[1]。

    With the development of high-speed railway , because of its advantages - efficiency , energy saving , environmental protection , flexible , power traction has become the mainstream trend of traction .

  2. 在牵引中因颈椎受力方位不同,其治疗效果亦不同。

    The direction of the force to act on cervical vertebrae is the difference , the therapeutic effect is the difference , too .

  3. 蜘蛛牵引丝因其具有的高强度、高弹性、高断裂功等优异的力学性能,自70年代以来就受到研究人员的关注,至20世纪90年代以后掀起了蜘蛛丝的研究高潮。

    Spider silk has attracted a great number of researchers ' attention because of it 's high strength , high elasticity and high break energy from 70 's , and until 20th 90 's the research climax came .

  4. 腰椎牵引是治疗LDH主要的保守治疗方法之一,但传统的腰椎牵引因适应症的选择、牵引参数设置、牵引时不可抗拒的摩擦力及缓解腰痛机制未明等原因,使其应用受到一定程度限制。

    Lumbar traction , as one of the major conservative treatment of LDH , is limited by a certain extent due to the choice of indications , traction parameter , irresistible friction and uncertain mechanism to relieve pain .