
  • 网络context
  1. 按照传统的看法,隐喻仅仅在科学发现的与境中发挥着次要的启发作用。

    According to the orthodoxy , metaphors only play a secondary , heuristic role in the context of discovery .

  2. 建构科学知识社会学的与境分析

    The Construction of Scientific Knowledge Sociology and Context Analysis

  3. 自然科学:与境性和客观性的统一

    Natural Science : the Unity of Conditionality and Objectiveness

  4. 细节创造意境,意与境浑,这是诗人艺术创作的主要手法。

    The combination of meaning and context is the principal artistic technique adopted by poets .

  5. 神与物游,思与境谐。

    ( III ) The Spirit Travels with Objects and Thought Harmonizes with the Environment .

  6. 库恩以解释学为特征的范式理论解构了科学的特权地位,凸现了科学的历史与境性,这使科学知识社会学赢得了合法的学术地位。

    The hermeneutic characteristic of Kuhn 's paradigm theory has made SSK take its legal position .

  7. 生态认知心理学关注现实性的认知现象,强调心理学现象只能在“与境”中被理解;

    The cognitive phenomenon is paying close attention to the reality while according with ecological cognitive psychology .

  8. 其“境界”说深受李挚“童心说”的影响,并要求情景交融,意与境浑。

    " Realm " by Li Zhi ," said the child ", and called for integration scenarios , Italy and muddy throughout .

  9. 现代科技商品经济社会之与境论&从商品视域看现代经济社会之与境

    The Contextualism of the Modern Economic Society of Science-technological Commodities & View on the Context of Modern Economic Society from the Angle of Commodities

  10. 以“场域”的视角,面向人工合成胰岛素事件的历史与境发现,这是一个发生于政治场域中的事件。

    From the perspective of field , facing the find of historical situations in event of the synthetic insulin , the event is occurred in the political field .

  11. 维氏反对私人语言,认为私自遵守规则是不可能的,只有在社会的与境中,在集体实践时才能产生语言的规则与制度,进而规范行为。

    Wittgenstein opposes private language and thinks that privately following rule is impossible . Only in social context and collective practice can be produced lingual rules and institutions , and then they instruct the behaviors .

  12. 上述四个不同侧面的经济事实相互联系,相互交织,共同构成了创立科技劳动价值论的现代经济社会与境之系统整体。

    Above the four economic facts are interrelated on each other , together constitute the whole system of " modern context of economical society " that adapt to founding the value theory of science-technology labor .

  13. 艺术作品中的意与境永远是一个统一体,二者是密不可分的,这种由意与境所产生的艺术感染力就是我们中国艺术最本质的东西。

    Works of art in Italy and the environment is always a unity , the two are inseparable , and the environment that produced by the Italian artistic influence is our most essential thing in Chinese art .

  14. 文章基于科学发展的历史事实,首先从科学认识主体、科学认识本质以及科学认识结果三个方面阐述了自然科学的与境性。

    At first , the conditionality of science is discussed in the paper from three as follows according to the scientific objective fact : the cognitive subject of science , the cognitive nature and the cognitive result of science .

  15. 现代经济社会与境是现代经济社会中各种经济事实和经济现象相互交织在一起所构成的具有复杂内在结构性的系统整体。

    The modern context of economical society is a whole of system of having complicated inherent construction that is made up of all sorts of economic facts and various economic phenomena in the modern economy society , and these economic facts and phenomena are mutually intertexture together .

  16. 意境讲求意与境合,这是中国艺术的基本审美方式,如果没有意境作为艺术作品的现实存在,艺术作品本身也就无法在一定的形式空间中显现出来。

    Environmental cooperation agreed with the emphasis on mood , this is the basic aesthetic art form , if there is no conception of real existence as a work of art , works of art in itself will not be able to some form of space is revealed .

  17. 长柄石杉种质资源圃建设与原生境扦插实验初报

    Preliminary Report of Huperzia Serrata Nursery Constructing and Original Habitat Cutting

  18. 正是这个忘忧的洪沟,分隔开日常生活的世界与醉境的现实。

    This chasm of oblivion separates the quotidian reality from the Dionysian .

  19. 中国绘画的意境、诗意与藏境刍议

    On Artistic Conception Poetic Flavour and Hide Thought of Traditional Chinese Painting

  20. 孟浩然的心态与诗境

    The Realm of MENG Hao-ran 's Poetry and the State of His Mind

  21. 常熟市水土保护与坏境建设

    Soil-Water Protection and Environmental Construction of Changshu City

  22. 三种蛙血红蛋白氧解离曲线影响因子及与栖境的关系

    Relationships between factors affecting hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve and habitats of three frogs from Kunming

  23. 景物的工具化、对象化、主体化、意理化与诗境之生成流变

    Instrumentalism , Objectivism , Subjectivism and Idealism of Scenery and Birth and Evolution of Poetic Mood

  24. 降水分布和风温场资料从网上自动下载并与栖境条件和蝗群分布信息集成。

    Information on the distribution of rainfall , temperature and wind fields is collected automatically from the internet and integrated with habitat information and locust distributions .

  25. 县级行政建置与辖境大小的历史演变是沿革地理学研究的重点和难点之一。

    In the case of Jinyang county , this paper analyzed and textually researched its historical administrative changes , especially the variance of its around border .

  26. 这一工作将文本与史境紧密结合,为这一时期文学、史学、哲学、经济等多门人文社会学科的综合研究提供了一种清晰的、便利的方式。

    Taking both textual and historical contexts the comprehensive academic research on the humanities such as literature , history , philosophy , economy , etc. in this period of time .

  27. 本文主要从中国古典美学的角度对《诗经》艺术意境加以阐释,分别从“意”与“境”的生成,“虚”与“实”的调配以及接受方法几个方面加以说明。

    The author expounds its artistic conception in terms of Chinese classical aesthetics and interprets it in the creation of artistic conception , balance of illusion and reality and accepting methods .

  28. 我们不妨以一个问题来接触这个基本问题:当这两种根本不同的艺术力量,梦境与醉境,一起发生作用之时,将产生甚么美感效果呢?

    Perhaps we may touch on this fundamental problem by asking : what aesthetic effect results when the essentially separate art-forces , the Apollinian and the Dionysian , enter into simultaneous activity ?

  29. 物质性的体量雕塑本身所具备的审美价值,和对环境的意义和价值是介乎于形体与场境之间的合围空间的感受。

    Materiality amount of space occupied sculpture itself has the esthetic value , with is lies between to the environment significance and the value in the physique and between the field boundary encirclement space feeling .

  30. 在唐志契的论述中,“意中之事”、“眼前之景”分别代表“意”与“境”要描绘的内容。

    According to Tangzhiqi 's analyses ," the affairs in the artistic conception ", and " the sceneries within the eyesight " represented the descriptive contents of " ideas " and " conceptions " respectively .