
qiān niú huā
  • morning glory
牵牛花[qiān niú huā]
  1. 花园的围栏上爬满了相互缠绕的牵牛花。

    The fence in the garden is covered with intertwining morning glory .

  2. 结论在牵牛花色素的利用过程中要注意pH和铁离子的影响。

    Conclusion : More attention should be paid to pH and ferric chloride in using morning glory pigment .

  3. 他最喜欢的花是矮牵牛花。

    His favourite flower is petunia .

  4. 最好,还要在牵牛花底,教长着几根疏疏落落的尖细且长的秋草,使作陪衬。

    It will be most desirable to have them set off by some tall thin grass planted underneath here and there .

  5. 牵牛花综合征的ct诊断(附七例分析)

    CT diagnosis of morning glory syndrome ( report of 7 cases )

  6. 牵牛花受精前后卵细胞质体和线粒体及其细胞质DNA的变化

    Changes of plastids mitochondria and their DNA in the egg cell before and after fertilization in Pharbitis

  7. 温度、pH及金属离子对牵牛花色素影响的研究

    Research of the influences of temperature , pH and metal ions on morning glory pigment

  8. 目的探讨温度、pH值及金属离子对牵牛花色素的色调、最大吸收波长和稳定性的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of temperature , pH and metal ions on the color , maximum absorption wavelength and stability of morning glory pigment .

  9. 结论:CT、超声、眼底荧光造影从不同的方面显示了牵牛花综合征的影像学特征,是正确诊断牵牛花综合征的可靠影像学手段。

    Conclusion : Imaging characteristics of morning glory syndrome can be revealed by CT , ultrasonography and FFA manifesting from different aspects , which was helpful for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis .

  10. 结果牵牛花色素对热稳定性高,在不同pH值溶液中显示不同的色调,且金属离子中仅铁离子对其有一定影响。

    Results : Although it showed good hot stability , the morning glory pigment displayed different colors in solutions of different pH and was influenced only by ferric chloride in all detected metal ions .

  11. 矮牵牛花器官突变体blind-like的表型和解剖结构

    Morphological Characteristics and Anatomy of a Novel Floral Mutant of Petunia

  12. 用牵牛花(Pharbitisnil)作为重金属修复植物,其吸附能力随重金属浓度的增加而降低。

    Morning glories ( Pharbitis nil ) as heavy metal accumulators were grown on the experimental pots , the adsorption capacity showed a decreased trend with increasing concentration of heavy metals .

  13. 确定牵牛花超声提取条件。

    Ultrasound extraction conditions of morning glory flower pigment were defined .

  14. 牵牛花好像还没有享受够夏天的阳光,还在尽情开放。

    Morning glories are still blooming and enjoying their sunlight now .

  15. 在烈日下矮牵牛花已经开始枯萎了。

    The petunias were already wilting in the hot sun .

  16. 日本牵牛花可以开花或者只长叶子。

    A Japanese morning-glory may flower or produce only leaves .

  17. 我相信你的牵牛花现在正在盛开。

    I trust your petunia 's are in full bloom by now .

  18. 显然,他们变成了一盆牵牛花。

    Apparently , they 've turned * Into a bowl of petunias .

  19. 你是担心他喝醉后过度修剪你的牵牛花吗?

    Are you afraid he will get loaded and overprune the petunias ?

  20. 我在想你是否介意帮我挤“矮牵牛花”的奶。

    I was wondering if you wouldn 't mind milking Petunia for me .

  21. 牵牛花色素色的超声提取及稳定性研究

    Study on the ultrasound extraction of morning glary flower pigment and its stability

  22. 手种牵牛花,接连有三四年了。

    I have been planting morning glories for three to four years now .

  23. 探讨牵牛花综合征的临床和影像学特征及其诊断价值。

    To discuss the clinical setting and imaging features of morning glory syndrome .

  24. 可可:这些是牵牛花,它们是我的最爱。

    Coco : These petunias are my favorite .

  25. 矮牵牛花色素苷合成途径中的关键酶及其转录调控

    The Enzyme and Gene Transcription Regulation in the Biosynthesis Pathway of Anthocyanins in Petunia hybrida

  26. 牵牛花色素稳定性研究

    Study on Stability of Morning Glory Pigment

  27. 牵牛花有什么意义吗?

    What is there in morning glories ?

  28. 三棵粉红色的牵牛花已经在这个腐烂发臭的胸口上发芽开花。

    Three pink morning & glories had daintly and precisely arranged themselves across his stinking chest .

  29. 目前,这些基因在豌豆,牵牛花和水稻中都有同源基因被克隆。

    Currently in Peas , morning glory and rice , the homologous gene has been cloned .

  30. 牵牛花带来了炎夏。

    Morning glory brings hot summer .