
  • 网络The Last Detail;final Detail
  1. 华盛顿&美国和日本就跨太平洋伙伴关系(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)最后的细节久拖不决之时,中国正积极地填补空白。

    WASHINGTON & While the United States and Japan dawdle over the last details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement , China is moving to fill the vacuum .

  2. 华盛顿——美国和日本就跨太平洋伙伴关系(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)最后的细节久拖不决之时,中国正积极地填补空白。

    WASHINGTON - While the United States and Japan dawdle over the last details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement , China is moving to fill the vacuum .

  3. 持有60%股份的最大股东IFIL保证球队将增加资金投入,而最后的细节将在四月份确定下来。

    Majority shareholders IFIL pledged the increase of its60 per cent share and the final details over how the rest of the investment will be split is to be made in April .

  4. 最后将指纹的细节点特征送入BP神经网络进行识别并输出识别结果。

    Then using some fingerprint 's minute features for the fingerprint identification with the BP neural network to get the result .

  5. VladimirFurdik透露了该剧必将上演的史诗般的最后一战的细节。

    Vladimir Furdik dished details about the show 's sure-to-be epic final battle .

  6. 我们有一些在最后时刻提出的细节问题需要商谈。

    We have some lastminute details to talk over .

  7. 最后的一个细节也豁然清晰了。

    The last detail had clicked into place .

  8. 最好与人们实地交谈,然后,在有必要时,通过电子邮件与您的联系人最后确认突出的细节。

    It is better to talk to people in'real time'first , then to finalise any outstanding detail by email if necessary .

  9. 在这个视频教程中,动画大师大卫温斯坦将告诉您如何,打破常规,并开始步行周期-移动到清理-最后的高分辨率细节。

    In this video veteran animator David Weinstein will show you how he breaks down and begins his walk cycles-moving onto cleanup-and finally the high resolution details .

  10. 现在过境的时间似乎再一次逼近,齐塔人详细说明了第七阶段情节和关于最后几周的细节。

    Now the time of the passage appears to be looming closer again , with the progress of the7 of10 scenarios and details about the Last Weeks so clearly spelled out by the Zetas .

  11. 针对每部分首先分析引入节点后带来的新问题,然后给出可参考的解决方案,最后给出本设计的细节。

    We point out the new problems because of the cooperative node and possible reference solutions at first , and then propose the details of our scheme .

  12. 然而至今还不知道克林顿的回忆录是否会透露更多有关困扰他在位最后时期的那些丑闻细节。

    There is no word so far on whether Mr Clinton 's book will reveal additional details about the scandals that plagued his final days in office .