
qiān yǐn
  • traction;tow;draw;haul;drag;cause;initiate;cite;pull and drag;inveigle;woo
牵引 [qiān yǐn]
  • (1) [draw]∶拉、拖

  • 这条线路的列车都由电力机车牵引

  • (2) [cause;initiate]∶引动;引起

  • 一种被幸福所牵引着的微笑

  • (3) [cite]∶援引,引证

  • 何必又牵引别说

  • (4) 拉拢,拉拉扯扯 [inveigle;woo;pull and drag]

  • 指目牵引。--唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》

牵引[qiān yǐn]
  1. 他一直用这辆车牵引他的活动工作室。

    He had been using the vehicle to tow his work trailer

  2. 今天,Motrec供应该领域最完整系列的工业车辆与牵引车。

    Today , Motrec offers the most complete range of industrial vehicles and tow tractors in the industry .

  3. 他腿部骨折后做了六个星期的牵引治疗。

    He spent six weeks in traction after he broke his leg .

  4. 对于腿部骨折有什么方法替代牵引治疗吗?

    Is there an alternative to traction for a broken leg ?

  5. 用拖拉机牵引的喷雾器可以将5加仑药水喷洒在10英亩田地上。

    A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres

  6. 他把牵引支架固定在船体上。

    He fixed the towing cradle round the hull .

  7. 英国电力牵引公司的股票报收于207便士,比报出价格略涨1.5便士。

    BET shares closed just above the offer price , up 1.5p at 207p .

  8. 伊莎贝尔的腿做了两周半的牵引治疗。

    Isabelle 's legs were in traction for about two and a half weeks .

  9. 犁由拖拉机牵引,在一些国家则用牛来拉。

    Ploughs are pulled by tractors , or in some countries by oxen .

  10. 我会让你看如何做这种牵引。

    I 'll show you how the traction is applied .

  11. 她背部受伤,正在作一个月的牵引治疗。

    She 's injured her back and is in traction for a month .

  12. 要围绕建设高质量教育体系,以教育评价改革为牵引,统筹推进育人方式、办学模式、管理体制、保障机制改革。

    To build a high-quality education system , the reform of the evaluation .

  13. 意见指出,以户籍制度和公共服务牵引区域流动。

    According to the guideline , more efforts will be made to influence regional mobility via the household registration5 system and public services .

  14. 根据纲要草案,国家将打通制约生产要素合理流动的堵点,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。

    The country will remove impediments to the rational flow of production factors , and create a higher-level dynamic equilibrium where supply and demand boost each other , according to the draft outline .

  15. 会议提出,要扭住供给侧结构性改革,同时注重需求侧改革,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。

    Reforms on both supply and demand sides should be carried out to achieve a dynamic equilibrium on a higher level , in which demand and supply can boost each other , said the meeting .

  16. P型锗中光子牵引效应

    Effect of Photon Drag in P-Type Germanium

  17. 红外光子牵引探测仪中P型锗元件最佳参数的研究

    An Investigation of the Optimal Parameters of P-type Ge Element in Photon Drag Infrared Detector

  18. 大功率电牵引采煤机PLC控制系统抗干扰技术的措施

    High-power Electric Traction Shearer PLC Control System Anti-jamming Technology Measures

  19. 平衡牵引变压器的MATLAB建模仿真

    MATLAB Modelling and Simulation of Balance Traction Transformer

  20. 基于DSP的电力机车牵引试验台控制系统设计

    Design of Control System for Traction Test Rig of Electric Locomotive Based on DSP

  21. 牵引力控制系统模糊PI控制方法研究

    A Research on Fuzzy PI Control for Traction Control System

  22. 将上述方法相结合,有效解决了牵引变电所信息综合传输的服务质量(QoS)问题。

    The ways indicated above connect , it can effectively solves the QoS of comprehensive information transmission .

  23. NET编程环境下成都地铁牵引仿真软件核心部分的算法及流程,并举实例验证。

    Introduce briefly the core part 's algorithm and process of Chengdu Metro Traction simulation software in VC + + . NET programming environment .

  24. 牵引控制开关(TC)位置

    Traction control switch ( tc ) location

  25. SS7型电力机车牵引齿轮系统的有限元三维接触分析

    A finite element 3D contact analysis on tractive gear system for SS_7 electric locomotive

  26. 牵引式锥盘滚轮CVT的研究现状及发展趋势

    Current Situation and Trend of the Traction CVT

  27. 本文采用数字信号处理器(DSP)对城轨牵引用的大功率稀土永磁无刷直流电机进行全数字控制方式的研究。

    Brushless direct current motor drive system based on DSP in the draw motor of track vehicles is researched by digital control manner in the paper .

  28. 使用DRB,选择ABS,读牵引控制开关状态。

    With the drb , select abs , read the traction control switch state .

  29. 分析PWM逆变器驱动的变频牵引电机定子绕组内部电压分布特性,对研究定子绕组绝缘失效和进行绝缘结构设计有重要意义。

    Analyzing voltage distribution characteristic in windings of inverter-fed traction motor is significant while studying failure mechanism of traction motor insulation and designing insulation structure .

  30. SS7型电力机车主变压器牵引绕组对辅助绕组的影响分析

    Influence of traction winding on auxiliary winding of main transformer for SS7 electric locomotive