
  • 网络Feudal superstition;feudal and superstition
  1. 在农村中,人们往往把宗教与封建迷信联系在一起。

    During the construction of socialistic new villages , people always confuse religion with feudal superstition .

  2. 反对封建迷信,阻止宗教影响教育;

    Firmly fight against feudal superstition and the bad effect to the basic education from the religion ;

  3. 提倡健康娱乐。抵制封建迷信活动,拒绝黄、赌、毒

    Promote the healthy entertainment styles . Repelling the superstition , gambling , drugs and obscenity .

  4. 试论宗教活动与封建迷信活动的区别

    The Difference between the Religion Activity and Feudal Superstitious Activity

  5. 滋养种族主义的封建迷信应该通过受教育而彻底根除。

    Primitive superstitions that feed racism should be_eradicated_through education .

  6. 近来,封建迷信活动又死灰复燃了。

    Superstitious activities have come to life again recently .

  7. 村民自治条件下农村封建迷信沉渣泛起现象透析

    Analysis of the Feudal Superstition Overflowing Under Self - governance by Village Residents

  8. 对于打喷嚏的各种翻译,大多源于封建迷信。

    For the most part , the various sneeze responses originated from ancient superstitions .

  9. 封建迷信泛滥给农村的经济、政治、社会和文化造成严重的危害。

    Feudalistic superstition causes serious danger to economy , politics , society and culture of the countryside .

  10. 文章论述了封建迷信及封建宗族活动的新特点。

    This article has described the new characteristics of the feudalism superstition and the activities of the feudalism clan .

  11. 他们同时也呼吁市民自觉摒弃封建迷信,但这很可能不会得到多少重视。

    They also appealed to citizens to abandon superstition , but that is much less likely to be heeded .

  12. 在公墓内,严禁构建封建迷信设施和从事封建迷信活动;

    Within cemeteries constructing facilities for feudal superstition and engaging in activities of feudal superstition shall be strictly prohibited .

  13. 封建迷信活动之所以能够滋生和蔓延,有着深刻而复杂的历史和现实原因。

    Feudalistic and superstitious activities were likely to come into being and spread because of complex historical and realistic conditions .

  14. 异化爱情心理是一种扭曲的、不健康的爱情心理,主要表现在五个方面:缺乏性爱意识,缺乏自主性,不平等性,功利性和封建迷信性。

    It is characterized by the lack of sex consciousness , lack of autonomy , inequality , utility and feudal superstition .

  15. 我国学者研究民间信仰之初,多视之为封建迷信,众多的研究成果均以迷信二字命名。

    Scholars research the folk beliefs starts to regard it as " feudalistic superstition ", numerous researchs name with " superstition " .

  16. (四)利用会道门、封建迷信活动,扰乱社会秩序、危害公共利益、损害他人身体健康或者骗取财物,尚不够刑事处罚的;

    Disturbing public order or swindling money by way of feudal superstition , when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment ;

  17. 分析清醮民俗活动中文化内涵的同时,也应对其所包含的封建迷信内容保持高度的警惕。

    Analysis of religious folk-culture activities at the same time , we should also maintain a high degree of vigilance to the feudal superstition .

  18. 最后石头的数量失散的只剩下一块了,这块墓碑,成为了封建迷信的一个见证。

    Eventually the number of stones diminished until only one stone , the tombstone , was left as a reminder of the ancient superstition .

  19. 随着城市化和现代化的进程的加快,丧葬仪式逐渐被看做与现代社会格格不入的封建迷信活动。

    Along with urbanized and modernized advancement quickening , The funeral ceremony is considered gradually as feudal superstitious practice and not accommodating for the modern society .

  20. 然而,在现代人的眼中,风水不过是封建迷信的衍生品,登不得大雅之堂。

    However , in the sight of modern human , geomancy is only the generation of feudal superstition that can not been given recognition in public ?

  21. 现代社会中的民间信仰一直被视为愚昧落后的封建迷信而遭到批判,并一度被禁止。

    In modern society , folk beliefs has been considered as ignorant and backward feudalistic superstition , it has been criticized and even forbidden for some time .

  22. 为了适应这种叙事模式,浓重的封建迷信思想、对故事情节的高度重视及对人物性格塑造的压制和漠视等叙事性因素都被纳入到这个轨道之中。

    To adapt to this kind of narrative mode , the writer adds more feudal and superstitious beliefs , pays more attention to the plots and ignores the heroes'characters .

  23. 长期以来,有人把风水视为一种封建迷信,并给予全盘否定,而有的人则笃信风水,极力的推崇它。

    Long-term since , someone put feng shui as a kind of feudal superstition , and give the negate , others believe the praise highly of feng shui , vehemently .

  24. 民间美术长期以来相伴天地鬼神观念、使役于宗教和封建迷信。

    For a long time , folk art is the mother of all plastic arts , accompanied by the concept of the world spirits and exploited by religion and feudal superstition .

  25. 反传统主义者认为,柏格森哲学是建基于科学之上的,所以,以柏格森作为一个重要的例证,认为中国的现代性建构也必须以西方的科学精神扫除中国的封建迷信;

    Anti-traditionalist thought Bergsonism was based on science , so it gave us a proof that , in order to establish China modernity , we should use western science to replace Chinese superstition .

  26. 教圣约翰保罗二世对于被称为“招人喜欢的宗教”似乎有相当大的耐心,而其他的人则认定它是封建迷信,只能败坏天主教的名声。

    Pope John Paul II appears to have considerable patience for what is known as " popular religion ", while others think of it as superstition that can only bring disrepute upon the church .

  27. 在百年报刊科学话语中,科学与封建迷信、伪科学的交锋是一条基本线索,成为世纪的角逐。

    In the scientific discourse of the press during the past century , the confrontation between science and feudal superstition , pseudo - science serves as the fundamental clue and becomes the Century 's Rivalry .

  28. 2.虽经批准建立,但在公墓内修建封建迷信设施、搞违法营销活动或未经验收擅自经营的公墓单位。

    B.units operating cemeteries , though established with approval , building facilities for feudal superstition in cemeteries , conducting illegal marketing activities or putting cemeteries into operation without the acceptance procedures upon completion of the construction projects .

  29. 养生旅游成为当前旅游时尚热点,将宗教中的养生文化融入到旅游产品开发中的景区也不断涌现,但也出现了一些封建迷信与欺诈的负面现象。

    Wellness Tourism has become the trendy tourist form , wellness culture in religion is blended into tourism product development in some scenic area , but there were also some negative phenomenon of feudal superstition and fraud .

  30. 解放前,连环画的内容从民间传说、戏曲新闻逐渐转变成以武侠神怪、封建迷信为主,连环画也一直被视为低级庸俗的代名词,遭到诟病和谴责。

    Before liberation , the serial story pictures content from folklore , opera news gradually transformed into the martial arts fantasy , superstition-based , have always been regarded as a synonym for vulgar , was criticized and condemned .