
  • 网络Environmental Protection
  1. 根据分析结果,建议在宁夏农业生态环境保护工程中引入BT代建模式。

    According to the results of the analysis , it suggests the introduction of BT Financing Agent Model in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region agri-ecological environmental protection project .

  2. 土地整理中生态环境保护问题及对策

    Ecological and environmental protection problems in land consolidation and the countermeasures

  3. 长江生态环境保护修复

    protect and restore the ecological environment of the Yangtze River

  4. 加强生态环境保护。

    We should strengthen protection of the ecological environment of the Yellow River basin .

  5. 面对挑战和经营困境,APP需要加大农村社区公益事业投入和主动采取前瞻性的生态环境保护预防策略。

    In the face of challenges and management difficulty , APP needs to increase commonwealth project devoted to rural community and actively adopt foresighted environment protection and prevention strategies .

  6. 复合污染研究已经成为环境科学发展的重要方向之一,多环芳烃(Polycyclicaromatichydrocarbon,PAHs)与重金属是土壤环境中重要的污染物,开展两者复合污染的研究对生态环境保护和治理有重要的意义。

    The interacted pollution has been one of the important aspects of the environment science . The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ( PAHs ) and heavy metals are the main contamination in soil .

  7. 研究基于GIS的决策支持系统构建方法,并结合林业生态环境保护的具体应用,从技术角度构建林业生态环境保护网络和基于GIS的林业生态环境保护决策支持系统。

    The method to establish Decision Support System based on GIS is researched . Combined with the concrete application of forestry environment conservation , forestry environment conservation network and its DDS based on GIS are established from a technical angle .

  8. 人类与生态学、生态环境保护和环境与发展

    Mankind and ecology , ecological environmental protection and environment and development

  9. 秦岭山地生态环境保护与建设

    Protection and construction of eco - environment in Qinling Mountainous area

  10. 巴林右旗林业生态环境保护与建设的思考

    Protection and Development of Forestry Ecological Environment in Balin Right Banner

  11. 西部湖泊资源的开发与生态环境保护

    The Resource Exploitation and Eco-Environment Protection of Lakes in Western China

  12. 黄河源区生态环境保护与建设

    Eco-environmental protection and building to the source area of Yellow River

  13. 青海湖流域生态环境保护与治理对策

    Ecological Environment 's protecting and Controlling Countermeasures in Qinghai Lake Valley

  14. 靖西县旅游开发的生态环境保护探讨

    Discussion on Ecological Environment Protection for Tourism Development in Jinxi County

  15. 试论国土规划与生态环境保护

    The Basic Analysis of our National Territorial Planning and Eco-environmental Protection

  16. 广州南沙地区旅游资源开发与生态环境保护

    Tourism resources development and ecology environment protection of Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone

  17. 发达地区农业农村现代化与生态环境保护

    The Agricultural and Rural Modernization and Eco-environmental Protection in Highly Developed District

  18. 深圳市公路建设生态环境保护对策分析

    Analysis for Ecological Environment Protection Strategies on Roadway Development in Shenzhen City

  19. 喀斯特的内涵的发展及喀斯特生态环境保护

    The evolution of implication of karst and its environmental protection

  20. 辽宁海洋经济持续发展与海洋生态环境保护

    Sustainable Development of Oceanic Economy and Oceanic Environmental Protection of Liaoning Province

  21. 秦岭北麓环山带生态环境保护问题研究

    On ecological environment protection of the northern foot of the Qinling Mountain

  22. 开发旅游资源忽视地质遗迹保护和生态环境保护;

    Ignoring the protection of geological relics and ecological environment ;

  23. 热带森林资源及其生态环境保护功能

    Tropical Forest Resources And Their Ecological Functions For Protecting Environment and Biodiversity

  24. 矿区生态环境保护研究综述

    Review of the Research of the Ecological Environmental Protection in Mining Districts

  25. 建立持续灵活的农业生态环境保护补偿和激励机制。

    Establishing the sustainable and flexible agro-environment protection compensation and promotion mechanism .

  26. 略论新疆资源开发和生态环境保护问题

    Natural Resources Development and Eco - environment Protection of Xinjiang

  27. 重视生态环境保护和建设,发展旅游业。

    Pay attention to ecological environmental protection and construction , develop the tourism .

  28. 因此,控制和预防采动滑坡灾害发生是矿区生态环境保护的重要组成部分。

    So it is importance to control or prevent the mining landslides disaster .

  29. 区域性农村生态环境保护与建设的法律思考

    The Juristic Thinking of the Protection and Construction of the Territorial Country Entironment

  30. 公路建设与运营中的生态环境保护

    Ecological environment protection in the highway construction and operation