
shú huí quán
  • right of redemption;redeemable right;power of redemption
  1. 有赎回权的住房反向抵押贷款定价模型的定量研究

    Quantitative research on the pricing of reverse mortgage with right of redemption

  2. 优先购买权是一种法定权利,最早起源于罗马法中的赎回权。

    The right of preemption is one legal right based on specific primary relationship , which was developed from the right of redemption in Roman Law .

  3. 银行取消了他先前住房的抵押赎回权。

    The bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home .

  4. 如果利率上调,抵押品赎回权取消的情况也会增多吗?

    If interest rates go up , won 't foreclosures rise ?

  5. 业主如果未能按时交房贷,就会面临丧失抵押品赎回权的危险。

    If homeowners can 't keep up the payments , they face foreclosure

  6. 并不是所有未按时还债的情形都会导致丧失抵押品的赎回权。

    Not all delinquencies lead to foreclosure .

  7. 所以,如果他的单位是丧失抵押品赎回权都是由个人购买,然后大楼将可保证。

    So , if all of his units are going into foreclosure are bought by individuals , then the building would be warrantable .

  8. 虽然华尔街高管利用收费高昂的律师来确保他们的团队不用对2008年金融危机所揭示的不当行为负责,但这些银行滥用我们的法律制度,取消抵押贷款的赎回权,驱逐房客,其中一些房客甚至并不欠钱。

    While Wall Street executives used their expensive lawyers to ensure that their ranks were not held accountable for the misdeeds that the crisis in 2008 so graphically revealed , the banks abused our legal system to foreclose on mortgages and eject tenants , some of whom did not even owe money .

  9. 本届政府组成了“希望在眼前”联盟(HOPENOW),帮助许多处境艰难的房主避免丧失房屋赎回权。

    My administration brought together the HOPE NOW alliance , which is helping many struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure .

  10. 6.foreclosuren.丧失抵押品赎回权,排斥,没收丧失赎取权的受害者会到上诉法院伸冤。

    Foreclosure victim will seek relief from the court of appeals .

  11. 提供最全面学生融资的学生家长贷款(plusloans)要求信用审查,包括借款人是否曾出现丧失抵押品赎回权的情况。

    PLUS loans , which provide the most comprehensive student financing , require credit checks , including whether borrowers have ever suffered foreclosure ( see below ) .

  12. 美国国会目前正在讨论一项法案,在银行将次级贷款减记至取消赎回权的价值水平之后,由联邦住宅管理局(FederalHousingAdministration)为次级抵押贷款提供3000亿美元的保险担保。

    Congress is debating legislation to provide $ 300bn of Federal Housing Administration insurance guarantees for subprime mortgages , after the banks write the loans down to their foreclosure value .

  13. 鑫苑置业从纽约房地产投资者卡利科(RichardKalikow)手里收购了威廉斯堡那个项目,之前卡利科曾取消了该项目开发商的抵押赎回权。

    The company acquired the Williamsburg site from New York real-estate investor Richard Kalikow , who had foreclosed on the project 's developer .

  14. 按揭贷款银行家协会(MortgageBankersAssociation)的数据显示,克利夫兰都会区有十分之一的业主贷款已经逾期90天或已被终止赎回权。

    One in 10 homeowners in the Cleveland metro area was 90 days past due or in foreclosure in the fourth quarter , according to the Mortgage Bankers Association .

  15. 因此密歇根大学(universityofmichigan)的安妮杰斐逊(annejefferson)数年前开展了一项研究项目,分析抵押贷款赎回权丧失现象。

    And so , a couple of years ago , Anne Jefferson of the University of Michigan began a research project that analyses how mortgage foreclosures are unfolding .

  16. RealtyTrac指出,美国的十个被取消赎回权情况最严重的城市都在亚利桑那州,加州或内华达州。

    The ten most foreclosure-afflicted cities in the country are all in Arizona , California or Nevada , notes RealtyTrac .

  17. 有关凯雷资本公司(carlylecapital)和thornburgmortgage追缴保证金问题的消息,以及显示去年第四季度美国抵押贷款违约和丧失抵押品赎回权达创纪录水平的数据,继续推助了市场中的避险意愿。

    News of margin call problems at Carlyle capital and Thornburg mortgage and data showing that US mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures had reached record levels in the fourth quarter of last year , continued to fuel risk aversion .

  18. GSE下大气力,为将丧失赎回权的住房大规模销售给那些准备出租房屋的人提供资助,有可能惠及潜在的承租人和整个住宅市场。

    Aggressive efforts by the GSEs to finance mass sales of foreclosed properties to those prepared to rent them out could benefit both potential renters and the housing market .

  19. 跟踪丧失抵押品赎回权案例的realtytrac表示,在所有被收回的房产中,有大约一半重归银行所有。

    About half of all foreclosures overall return to the banks , says RealtyTrac , which tracks foreclosure filings .

  20. 根据最新数据显示,美国有97%的房屋抵押贷款人被公司追踪,或者银行已提交或取消抵押品赎回权的提议(并盖有可怕的“REO”或“房地产拥有”字号)。

    The percentage of homes that banks have filed foreclosure on or repossessed ( and stamped with the dreaded " REO ," or " real estate owned ," moniker ) now account for3 % of all mortgaged homes .

  21. realtytrac周二提供的数据显示,房地产市场并未显露出多少触底迹象,房产丧失赎回权的数量较一年之前上升了57%。

    The real estate market has shown few signs of bottoming , with foreclosures up 57 per cent from a year earlier , according to data provided by RealtyTrac on Tuesday .

  22. 根据房地产上市公司RealtyTrac,去年城中每十座住宅就有一所被取消赎回权,几乎是全国平均水平的五倍。

    According to RealtyTrac , a property-listings firm , one in every ten homes in the city was in some stage of foreclosure last year , almost five times the national rate .

  23. 据地产经纪人拉里称,该男子本想在当地的税收拍卖季即上千所丧失抵押品赎回权的房子涌入房产市场之前卖掉这所房子,可一直未能如愿,于是决定将房子标价从最初的5000美元降低为一部新iPhone6的价格。

    The owner has dropped the asking price on a three-bedroom home in east Detroit from $ 5000 to a new iPhone 6 as the owner is desperate to sell ahead of the area 's tax auction season where " thousands " of homes near foreclosure will flood the market , real estate broker Larry Else told ABC News .

  24. 如果银行取消我们的赎回权,我们就完蛋了。

    If the bank forecloses on us , we 're sunk .

  25. 百万级美元的住房,是丧失抵押品赎回权的房产市场中增长最快的部分。

    Million-dollar homes are the fastest-growing segment of the foreclosure market .

  26. 越来越多取消抵押品赎回权的危害也已经延伸到政治。

    The proliferation of foreclosures has impinged on politics , too .

  27. 但丧失抵押品赎回权和债务违约仍可能推动房价走低。

    But foreclosures and defaults could yet push house prices lower .

  28. 银行威胁要取消他的贷款抵押赎回权。

    The bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage .

  29. 一股丧失抵押品赎回权的浪潮正在使消费者减少消费并扩散愤怒情绪。

    A wave of foreclosures is damping consumer spending and spreading anger .

  30. 一份提案将迫使银行帮助水下的房主避免丧失抵押品赎回权。

    A deal would compel banks to help underwater homeowners avoid foreclosure .