- right of redemption;redeemable right;power of redemption

Quantitative research on the pricing of reverse mortgage with right of redemption
The right of preemption is one legal right based on specific primary relationship , which was developed from the right of redemption in Roman Law .
The bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home .
If interest rates go up , won 't foreclosures rise ?
If homeowners can 't keep up the payments , they face foreclosure
Not all delinquencies lead to foreclosure .
So , if all of his units are going into foreclosure are bought by individuals , then the building would be warrantable .
While Wall Street executives used their expensive lawyers to ensure that their ranks were not held accountable for the misdeeds that the crisis in 2008 so graphically revealed , the banks abused our legal system to foreclose on mortgages and eject tenants , some of whom did not even owe money .
My administration brought together the HOPE NOW alliance , which is helping many struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure .
Foreclosure victim will seek relief from the court of appeals .
PLUS loans , which provide the most comprehensive student financing , require credit checks , including whether borrowers have ever suffered foreclosure ( see below ) .
Congress is debating legislation to provide $ 300bn of Federal Housing Administration insurance guarantees for subprime mortgages , after the banks write the loans down to their foreclosure value .
The company acquired the Williamsburg site from New York real-estate investor Richard Kalikow , who had foreclosed on the project 's developer .
One in 10 homeowners in the Cleveland metro area was 90 days past due or in foreclosure in the fourth quarter , according to the Mortgage Bankers Association .
And so , a couple of years ago , Anne Jefferson of the University of Michigan began a research project that analyses how mortgage foreclosures are unfolding .
The ten most foreclosure-afflicted cities in the country are all in Arizona , California or Nevada , notes RealtyTrac .
News of margin call problems at Carlyle capital and Thornburg mortgage and data showing that US mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures had reached record levels in the fourth quarter of last year , continued to fuel risk aversion .
Aggressive efforts by the GSEs to finance mass sales of foreclosed properties to those prepared to rent them out could benefit both potential renters and the housing market .
About half of all foreclosures overall return to the banks , says RealtyTrac , which tracks foreclosure filings .
The percentage of homes that banks have filed foreclosure on or repossessed ( and stamped with the dreaded " REO ," or " real estate owned ," moniker ) now account for3 % of all mortgaged homes .
The real estate market has shown few signs of bottoming , with foreclosures up 57 per cent from a year earlier , according to data provided by RealtyTrac on Tuesday .
According to RealtyTrac , a property-listings firm , one in every ten homes in the city was in some stage of foreclosure last year , almost five times the national rate .
The owner has dropped the asking price on a three-bedroom home in east Detroit from $ 5000 to a new iPhone 6 as the owner is desperate to sell ahead of the area 's tax auction season where " thousands " of homes near foreclosure will flood the market , real estate broker Larry Else told ABC News .
If the bank forecloses on us , we 're sunk .
Million-dollar homes are the fastest-growing segment of the foreclosure market .
The proliferation of foreclosures has impinged on politics , too .
But foreclosures and defaults could yet push house prices lower .
The bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage .
A wave of foreclosures is damping consumer spending and spreading anger .
A deal would compel banks to help underwater homeowners avoid foreclosure .