
shú zuì quàn
  • indulgence;certificate of absolution
  1. 新的基督教死亡文化在中世纪后期发生了异化,它与臭名昭著的赎罪券制度结合,为其后来的变革埋下了伏笔。

    The new culture of Christian death began to dissimilation in the late middle ages .

  2. 举例来说,在世界上是一个什么“卸货债券债务”或“赎罪券”?

    For example , what in the world is a " Bond for Discharge of Debt " or a Redemption Certificate ?

  3. 1517年路德开始在很多方面反对罗马教会,其中一项就是反对出售赎罪券。

    So in1517 Luther rebelled against the Church of Rome , quite a number of things , one of them was his objections to the selling of indulgency .

  4. 我们看到有土地捐献、遗产捐赠这类信徒自觉自愿宗教行为,还有教会兜售赎罪券、贩卖圣徒遗物这类买卖灵魂的行为。

    So there were not only voluntary religious behaviors such as land donation and legacy giving , but also soul transaction , such as peddling indulgences and saints ' remains .