
  • 网络lawmaking;legislation;law-making;law making
  1. 从法律制定的准备阶段,如何制定,制定的内容有哪些,到最后阐述如何进行有效的法律监督。

    From the preparatory phase of law-making , how to formulate , develop the content of which , in the end explains how to conduct effective legal supervision .

  2. 但作为刑法新增罪名,犯罪构成的认定,法律制定中的不足以及其他实践中的问题都亟待解决。

    However , as additional article of Criminal Law , how to identify the constitution of crime , the flaws in law-making and other practical issues must be resolved .

  3. 加快我国BOT的法律制定和实施,营造良好的投资环境,是保证BOT成功的关键。

    Speeding up the operation of BOT Law and its implementation , creating good invested surroundings are the key to the success of BOT .

  4. 2010年,加州颁布了从事商业摄影时危险驾车一律视为违法行为的这一规定,名人摄影师PaulRaef成为了此项法律制定以来第一个被起诉的对象。

    Celebrity photographer Paul Raef was the first person to be prosecuted under the state 's 2010 law that criminalizes dangerous driving when taking photos commercially .

  5. 一些法律制定者说他们感觉被总统出卖了。

    Some lawmakers say they feel betrayed by the president .

  6. 宋代法律制定、公布的信息渠道

    The Information Channels of Law Making and Promulgating in the Song Dynasty

  7. 有理由怀疑,是否美国的法律制定者会再次让它通过而让历史重演。

    It 's fair to ask whether America 's lawmakers could do it again .

  8. 加利福尼亚法律制定者们已经采取措施加强保护女性的力度。

    California lawmakers have taken steps to heighten protections for women . A bill by Sen.

  9. 为了阻止这种情况发生,你会把社会主义排除在法律制定之外吗?

    To prevent this , you would exclude socialism from entering into the making of laws ?

  10. 在党派争斗之间,一些法律制定者还是看到了两党联合的核心。

    Amid the partisan uproar , some lawmakers see the nucleus of a possible bipartisan coalition .

  11. 法律制定的目的不是增加国库收入而是鼓励或抑制具体的经济活动。

    Laws not specifically designed to provide revenue but to encourage / discourage specific economic activity .

  12. 自从20世纪80年代起,法律制定者不断试图将该节日的名称更名为总统日。

    However , since the 1980s , lawmakers have tried to change the name to Presidents Day .

  13. 王称,法律制定者应该对何时限制网络通信提供细则。

    Wang said policymakers should offer detailed guidelines for when authorities can limit access to the Internet .

  14. 李敦促法律制定者通过立法来解决土壤污染问题,因为该问题已经达到了令人担忧的地步。

    Li urged lawmakers to compose legislation to address soil contamination because the problem has become alarming .

  15. 而退出之后,那些依据外国法律制定的合约及金融文书则可能继续以欧元计价。

    Following the exit , contracts and financial instruments written under foreign law would likely remain euro-denominated .

  16. 因而,全球法是社会的法律制定,而不是政治的、国家的。

    Thus , the global law is " social law ", not " political " or " national " .

  17. 法律制定后出现新的情况,需要明确适用法律依据的。

    A new situation arises after enactment of such legislation , thereby requiring clarification of the basis of its application .

  18. 他们已经将声讨“特定用途之处”作为共同事业,这正是法律制定者们梦寐以求的计划。

    They have found common cause in attacking " earmarks " , the pet projects that lawmakers insert into bills .

  19. 理论的缺乏和法律制定的漏洞,影响了相关法律实践问题的有效解决。

    The lack of theory and laws of the loopholes in the law affecting the practical issues related to effective solutions .

  20. 直到2005年,民政局才呼吁法律制定者为在中国的慈善机构立法。

    It was only until 2005 when the Ministry of Civil Affairs called on lawmakers to enact a charity law in China .

  21. 尤其在教育领域,教育绩效责任制在近20年里成为了美国学者、法律制定者以及政府部门最为关注的教育话题之一。

    In the field of education , educational accountability has always been the hottest topic among US scholars , government officials and legislators .

  22. 克里表示,法律制定者不会允许出版商为竞争创设障碍,但报纸看上去像“一个正濒临灭绝的物种”。

    Mr Kerry said lawmakers would not allow publishers to create hurdles to competition , but said newspapers looked like " an endangered species " .

  23. 我国的经济犯罪大多属于法定犯,随着市场经济的不断发展,不断有新的情况出现,这些情况大多在法律制定时都是没有出现的情况。

    The economic crime belongs to the legal crime in our country . With the development of market economy , the new situation has occurred .

  24. 然而,近期法律制定的可再生能源目标和政策为加快墨西哥风电开发步伐提供了难得的机遇。

    But recent laws setting targets and policies for renewable energy provide a " window of opportunity " for accelerating wind power development in Mexico .

  25. 在今天的播报中,清华大学和北京大学的学者呼吁法律制定者给予在中国建立的海外慈善组织法律地位。

    In today 's podcast , academics from Tsinghua and Peking universities call upon lawmakers to give legal status to overseas charity organizations operating in China .

  26. 特别是法律制定人员称,爸爸们能够选择12周的带薪陪产假“不使用,就作废”。

    Specifically , the lawmakers argued that fathers should have the option of 12 weeks " paid " use it or lose it " paternity leave .

  27. 北美、欧洲等发达地区国家均通过风险评价衡量环境成本,为相关法律制定及部门决策提供参考依据。

    The developed countries in Northern America and Europe assess the environmental cost by using risk assessment , which provide reference to the legislation and decision-making departments .

  28. 在1816年,“夜间偷猎行动”被法律制定,人们发现,为了满足某部分人卑鄙的行径,将偷猎引入到澳大利亚。

    In1816 " The Night Poaching Act " was enacted in the UK whereby persons found guilty of poaching game were transported to Australia for their despicable crimes .

  29. 就是说,日本法上的流动动产让与担保在判例理论上形成和发展,动产浮动抵押由法律制定的。

    That is to say , floating chattel mortgage in Japanese Law developed in leading cases of Justice in Japan , however Movable Property Floating Charge is legislated .

  30. 法律制定、法律实施、法律监督,是依法治国的重要内容,它们的完成离不开全社会道德水平的提高。

    Legislation , legal enforcement and supervision , which dominate the strategy of administering the country by laws , could not be guaranteed without the enhancement of social ethics .