
  1. 东京大型开发商森大厦株式会社(MoriBuildingCo.)的一栋商住两用楼将于今年6月份完工,它将成为东京市场的一块试金石。

    A test case will be a new mixed-use tower to be completed in June by Mori Building Co. , a prime Tokyo developer .

  2. 具有一流外观的商住两用大楼,吸引了众多的买主。

    This commercial-and-residential Building with a top-quality look attracts many Buyers .

  3. 无论我们做住宅、商住两用房,都倡导这样的生活方式。

    We advocate such a life-style whether residential or commercial & residential .

  4. 这对英国夫妇还在附近一个商住两用楼里有一套小公寓。

    The English couple also have a small flat in a nearby commercial and residential building .

  5. 市中心商住两用楼,出租办公室,有意者面谈。

    Rental executive offices availaBle in commercial and residential Buildings in downtown are awaiting your face-to-face talks .

  6. 而居家办公又使住宅成为写字楼:商住两用房是两全其美,还是两不能用?

    And the home office has become the residential office : two spaces is both commercial and residential , or two can not be used ?

  7. 这个商住两用的项目显示了标准营造对于城镇规划传统、当地材料和建造技术的慎重考虑。

    Plans for this retail-residential complex exhibit a careful consideration of the town 's urban-planning traditions , as well as the use of local materials and building techniques .

  8. 大连万达在中国家喻户晓,价值350亿美元,拥有5.5万名员工,开发的商住两用万达广场遍布中国60多个城市。

    His $ 35bn , 55,000-employee business is a household name in China , where its mixed use Wanda Plaza developments are found in more than 60 cities .

  9. 反劫持小组的特别突击队员已经乘飞机进入孟买。他们包围了纳里曼大楼,这个商住两用楼是一个极端正统派犹太教外联组织的总部,一些武装分子在里面劫持了以色列人。

    Special rangers of an anti-hijacking squad , who were flown into Mumbai , surrounded Nariman House , a residential and office building serving as the headquarters of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish outreach group .

  10. 我看到了哈瓦那最高的建筑Focsa,那是一栋国有的商住两用大厦,底层有一个巨大的游泳池,在这酷热难忍的夜晚,却一滴水都没有。

    The view included the city 's tallest building , the state-owned Focsa , a towering commercial-residential structure , which at its base included a gigantic swimming pool with no water on this sweltering night .