
  • 网络commercial art
  1. 中国20世纪二三十年代商业美术设计探议

    Preliminary Exploration into Commercial Art Design in 1920s-1930s in China

  2. 幌子是民间商业美术的一部分,它具有十分鲜明的艺术效果和视觉传达特征。

    Cover a part of civil commercial art , it has very distinct characteristics of artistic effects and visual communication .

  3. 数码商业美术插画的发展及现状

    Development and Present Situation of Digital Commercial Illustration

  4. 商业美术品作为一种审美产品,它在社会主义市场经济条件下是如何形成的?

    As a kind of aesthetic product , how commercial artistic works forms in the context of socialist market economy ?

  5. 这种多元化的教育形式不仅很好地满足了当时社会对于商业美术设计人才的需求,也很好地促进了当时上海整体商业美术设计水平的提高。

    These educational forms not only satisfied the requirement then , but also raised the general level of commercial art design then in Shanghai .

  6. 市民阶层的艺术需要表现在三个方面:第一个方面是商业美术:商家为了招揽顾客,利用能被市民阶层接受的艺术的形式来进行商业竞争。

    In order to solicit customers and succeed in business competition , the shopkeepers would make good use of the forms of art that could be accepted by the citizen stratum .

  7. 作为我国商业美术发展初期的典型代表,月份牌中的女性形象既体现出当时社会大众的审美情趣,又折射出人们的生活现状。

    As the typical representative of our country contemporary commercial arts development initial period , the images of women in the calendar not only manifested the social populace s esthetic appeal at that time , but also refracted the present situation of people .

  8. 20世纪前期,上海经济、文化发展迅速,社会对于商业美术设计人才需求加大,而当时的学校商业美术设计教育并不能满足社会的需求,于是多元化的商业美术设计教育形式的出现。

    The economy and culture of Shanghai grew rapidly early in the 20th century , the talents of commercial art design were in great demand while the education of it could not satisfy the social requirement , and so came various educational forms of commercial art design .

  9. 其三,指出艺术市场上商业化美术批评与传媒联合进行炒作形成的批评垄断,分析了商业化美术批评如何成为绘画价格评估的重要依据。

    Thirdly , it points out the commercial criticism and media have joined up to forestall the critical circles , and show the reason why the commercial criticism becomes the important gist of the evaluation of the price of paintings .

  10. 即使是很老到的作家也很可能不能描述出区分人脸的全部特征。翻译为:你能够给商业与工艺美术的职员讲讲特征描述吗?

    Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another . Would you address character description for the commercial and industrial arts staff ?

  11. 清代前期,商业文化对文艺美术发展影响深刻,“扬州二马”与“扬州八怪”之间的文化互动的史实、缘由及其影响即为这方面的典型个案。

    The historical facts , reasons and influence of cultural communication between " Two Mas in Yangzhou " and " Eight Weird Persons in Yangzhou " are the cases in point .