
shānɡ yè xīn wén
  • commercial news
  1. 但是在这之前,我们们将播出对INK执行董事马丁·戈尔韦的重要采访,然后是商业新闻…

    But before that , we have The Big Interview with the Executive Director of INK , Martin Galway , followed by Business News ...

  2. 推荐服务网站MSpoke正在这样做,这个商业新闻跟踪服务使用Wikipedia训练它的推荐引擎。

    This business news tracking service uses Wikipedia to train its recommendation engines .

  3. 欢迎收看CNN学生新闻,这里是为中学及高中学生所准备的不含商业新闻的最新最热时事新闻。

    Great to have you watching CNN STUDENT NEWS , your commercial-free source of current events for middle and high school classrooms .

  4. 在兰德尔·斯蒂芬森(RandallStephenson)位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼市区的办公室内,他的平面电视被调到了CNBC商业新闻频道。

    The flat-screen television in Randall Stephenson 's office in downtown San Antonio , Texas is tuned to the CNBC business news channel .

  5. 据美国商业新闻频道CNBC报道,一直深陷收购谣言的推特现在真的要被收购了。

    Twitter , which has been the subject of takeover rumours before , is getting closer to a sale , according to the US business news channel CNBC .

  6. “张亚勤去北京‘PK’李开复”中国商业新闻在一标题中描述了新巨头微软与谷歌在中国经营的竞争。

    " Zhang Yaqin goes to Beijing to'PK'Lee Kai-fu ," the China Business News said in a headline referring to competition between the new heads of Microsoft Corp. 's and Google Inc. 's China operations .

  7. 培生和通用电气都不愿置评,但知情人士表示,培生最近几周与控制着nbc娱乐集团和商业新闻频道cnbc的美国集团企业通用电气进行了接触。

    Neither Pearson nor general electric would comment , but people familiar with the situation said that Pearson had made contact in recent weeks with the US conglomerate , which controls the NBC entertainment group and CNBC , the business news channel .

  8. 随着这家公司进军国际市场,力争成为实时商业新闻的交流中心,同时与LinkedIn平台上的企业以及开发商结成伙伴关系,良好的口碑绝对是个加分项。

    As the company broadens into international markets , as it pushes toward new goals like being a clearinghouse for realtime business news , and as it partners with companies and developers on its LinkedIn platform , positive-word-of mouth can only help these efforts gain traction .

  9. 支付小,您便可以有网上商业新闻系统?

    Pays small , you may have online business news system ?

  10. 是关于阿尔伯特·拉金的一个商业新闻的构思。

    An idea for a business story on Abbott Larkin .

  11. 男:我是商业新闻的乔纳森·提姆斯。

    Man : It 's Jonathon Timms from Business News .

  12. 提姆:我想找商业新闻。

    Tim : I just need something about business news .

  13. 产品通过商业新闻界做的广告。

    The product is advertised through the media of the trade press .

  14. 最初路透社只办商业新闻。

    At first Reuters dealt with , commercial new .

  15. 商业新闻:股票价格上涨,

    In business news , stock prices are up .

  16. 但我们是否正在为您提供您想知道的商业新闻?

    But are we bringing you the business news that you want to know ?

  17. 女:现在是今天的主要商业新闻。

    Woman : And now here is the main business news of the day .

  18. 新闻推荐从现有的商业新闻推荐系统和学术研究两个方面进行了介绍。

    News recommendation is presented from two aspects of existing business recommenders and academic research .

  19. 本周商业新闻中最顶级的新闻之一就是商业新闻。

    One of the top stories in business news this week was & business news .

  20. 《财富》杂志致力于为您提供您需要知道的商业新闻。

    At fortune , we strive to bring you the business news you need to know .

  21. 杰克,确实有个商业新闻,我和玛丽想要你来做。真的?

    Jake , there 's business story Maria and I would like you to do.There is ?

  22. 在商业新闻中,全球最大公开上市的科技公司苹果公司失去了其领袖乔布斯。

    In business news , the largest publicly traded technology company , Apple , lost its chief .

  23. 我也是,如果我能见到他,我就要采访他,并做个商业新闻。

    So would I.If I met him . I 'd try to interview him for a business story .

  24. 史蒂文:杰克,确实有个商业新闻,我和玛丽亚想要你来做。

    Steven : Jake , there 's a business story Maria and I would like you to do .

  25. 杰克:我也是,如果我能见到他,我就要采访他,并做个商业新闻。

    Jake : So would I.If I met him , I 'd try to interview him for a business story .

  26. 毫不奇怪,她辞职的消息很快在工业界传开,采访商业新闻的机构也纷纷得知。

    Not surprisingly , news of her resignation filtered quickly through the industry and became known to the business press .

  27. 他们经常通过社交媒体和商业新闻频道发表看法,借此向公司管理层施压,并与其他股东联合起来。

    They often communicate via social media and business news channels to emotionally pressure management and collaborate with other shareholders .

  28. 我是康妮•斯威夫特,代替杰克•萨尔茨主持本栏目。杰克•萨尔茨正在德克萨斯州的达拉斯为大家准备一条重要的商业新闻。

    I 'm Connie Swift for Jake Seltzer , who is in Dallas , Texas , with an important business story .

  29. 在其他商业新闻方面,美国反垄断监管机构已经批准美州银行350亿美元收购美林的计划。

    In other business news , U.S. antitrust regulators have approved Bank of America 's $ 35 billion purchase of Merrill Lynch .

  30. 《经济半小时》是中国最具影响力的商业新闻节目之一,因此它所报导的内容可能产生巨大的反响。

    The program is among the most influential business news shows in China , making it likely that its claims will receive wide play .