
  • 网络gestures
  1. 微软(Microsoft)目前似乎主要关注的是手势操作技术,谷歌似乎主要关注高级翻译。

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) appears to be focusing on gestures ( Kinect ) while Google ( GOOG ) seems to have focused on advanced translation .

  2. 这款机型的触摸板由玻璃制成,比上一款机型的触摸板加大了37%,据联想称它也适用于Windows8中的手势操作功能。

    The touch pad , which is made of glass , is 37 % larger than on the prior model and the company says it will accommodate the gestures built into Windows 8 .

  3. 基于手势操作,提出了协同上下文感知的概念和协同设计上下文描述模型;

    Based on the gesture operation , the collaborative context-awareness and the description model are provided ;

  4. 电容式触摸屏将多点触摸等手势操作应用在程序中,比如照片和上网。

    The Nokia N8 has a capacitive touch display that brings gestures such as pinch-to-zoom to applications like Photos and Browser .

  5. 小家伙们也学着父母的样子,用手指在平滑的用户界面上进行敲击,扫动等手势操作,学得比他们的父母还快。

    In fact , they often learn to tap , swipe and pinch their way around its slick user interface faster than their parents .

  6. 他说:整个系统的主界面设在客厅,使用者可以在这里用手势操作打开社交网站、浏览杂志或播放音乐。

    ' The main interface is in the living room , where you can see social networks , magazines , and play music just using gestures , ' he said .

  7. 请按我的手势进行操作。

    Please follow my gesture to operate .

  8. 不过,不管自然语言处理技术发展得多好,一套成熟的智能耳机界面恐怕还是离不开语音控制与手势控制(手势操作可在耳机外壳的触摸板上进行)。

    Still , no matter how good natural language processing gets , a full-fledged headphone interface would likely combine voice with gestures through touchpads on the headphones " surface .

  9. 研究了草绘设计的一些关键技术:草绘笔划分段处理与识别、草图规整、手势设计与识别和基于手势的草图编辑操作等,并通过实例对其实现过程进行了说明。

    Some key technologies of sketching design were researched , such as stroke segmentation , primitive recognition , sketch beautification , gesture design and recognition , gesture-based sketch editing , etc. Finally , an instance was introduced to describe the editing process of sketch .

  10. 本文详细阐述了PGE系统的移植方案,深入探讨了PGE中触摸手势与具体交互任务的映射关系问题,设计出一种符合用户操作习惯的触摸手势与几何操作之间的映射方案。

    The paper described in detail the transplantion program of the PGE system , in-depth studied the touch gestures and specific interaction task mapping problem , designed a touch gestures and geometric operations mapping program with could better suits PGE users ' habits .