
shǒu jī
  • script;sb.'s original handwriting or painting;sb.s original handwriting or painting
手迹 [shǒu jì]
  • [sb.s original handwriting or painting] 亲手写的字、画的画

  • 作者手迹

手迹[shǒu jī]
  1. 那是另一个我不熟悉的名字:雪莉·施泰因巴赫(SherrieSteinbach),而不是她现在的名字雪莉·艾普斯坦(SherrieEpstein)。这是我母亲的另一面,她独特的手迹立刻让我觉得无比熟悉,但这个名字又让我感得十分遥远。

    It was another , unfamiliar name , not Sherrie Epstein but Sherrie Steinbach : an alternative version of my mother at once entirely familiar ( in her distinctive hand ) and utterly alien .

  2. 有我儿子手迹的医院档案纸张?

    The paper from the hospital with my son 's handwriting ?

  3. 她认出了他的手迹;他的手稿难以辨认。

    She recognized his handwriting ; his hand was illegible .

  4. 他认出信封上他母亲的手迹。

    He recognized his mother 's handwriting on the envelope .

  5. 我要一份你的手迹。

    I request a specimen of your hand of writ .

  6. 手迹演员花了多少时间来记住剧本?

    How much time did the actors have to memorize the script ?

  7. 我看着礼品卡上爸爸的手迹。

    I glanced at the gift card scrawled in my father 's handwriting .

  8. 章太炎和他弟子们的手迹

    The handwriting of Zhang Taiyang and his disciples

  9. 这是哈丽特的手迹。这份手稿确实是曼内特医生的手迹。

    This is the script of Harriet . This is the writing of Doctor Manette .

  10. 另外,经过训练能够识别一个人的手迹的软件也已经开发出来。

    In addition , software has been developed that can be taught to recognize an individual 's handwriting .

  11. 手迹专家巴尔扎克

    Balzac as Handwriting Expert

  12. 一种印地语;印度西部中心的马哈拉施特拉的州语;是以梵文天城体手迹所写的。

    An Indic language ; the state language of Maharashtra in west central India ; written in the Devanagari script .

  13. 客户还提交电子签名(名字的书面手迹)及用于参考目的的数字签名――指纹。

    The customer also submits an electronic signature ( written script of name ) and a digital signature for reference purposes-a fingerprint .

  14. 我很怀疑这信,翻来覆去,没有看见这个人的手迹,连他的姓名也由打字机出品。

    I turned it over and could not find a line of his handwriting . Even his signature was produced by the typewriter .

  15. 韩佳:光是这一套《渤海藏真》就收集了晋、唐、宋、元四个朝代名家的手迹。

    Just the set of " bo hai cang zhen " steles collects famed calligraphic works from the Jin , Tang , Song and Yuan dynasties .

  16. 我去了那个牢房,并在一个隐蔽的小洞里找到了一张写着字的纸,那是马内特医生的手迹。

    I went to the room and , hid-den in a hole , I found a written paper . It is in Dr Manette 's writing . '

  17. 他发现他有复制别人手迹的本领之后,就开始模仿乔治·华盛顿和本·富兰克林的签名,并把这些签名写在旧书的扉页上。

    Discovering his ability at copying handwriting , he began imitating signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and writing them on the title pages of old books .

  18. 孔府是长达70多代孔子嫡裔的私邸,藏有价值连城的古手迹,古家具,服装和家庭文物。

    " The mansion was the residence of the Confucius descendants for more than 70 generations and houses priceless ancient manuscripts , furniture , clothing and other family relics . " The old town is walled .

  19. 在书法领域,清朝书法家继续沿用传统的书法形式。但是,与明朝书法家不同的是,清朝书法家研究的是中国手迹的最古老的范本,如卜骨和铜器上的刻文等。

    In the field of calligraphy , Qing artists went on to use the traditional styles of writing , but unlike Ming calligraphers , people now studied the oldest examples of Chinese script like the oracle bones and bronze vessel inscriptions .

  20. 东坡赤壁的主体建筑内,颇多苏东坡的手迹碑刻,仅碑阁内,就有102方东坡的石刻手迹。

    A considerable number of inscribed tablets based on Su Dongpo 's calligraphy are found in the major towers and pavilions at Su Dongpo 's Red Cliff . In the Pavilion of Tablets alone are found 102 carved inscriptions in his calligraphy .