
huánɡ diāo
  • yellow porgy
  1. 黄鲷是底栖性鱼类,具较高的经济价值和观赏价值。

    Yellow porgy Taius tumifrons is a demersal fish with higher economic and admiring viewing values .

  2. 本文就温度、作业海域的深度、起网速度对黄鲷采捕成活率的影响进行了研究。

    The paper makes a study on the effect of temperature , depth of operation waters and hauling speed on the harvesting survival rate of yellow porgy .

  3. 前鳃盖骨后缘下角出现2个扩大且尖锐的棘,是鉴别黄鲷仔鱼的标志之一。

    The appearance of2 large and sharp spines at lower angle of external edge of the preopercle is also the symbol of the larval Dentex tumifrons .

  4. 尾柄部背缘出现色素是黄鲷仔鱼的重要特征之一。

    The pigmentation appeared at dorsal edge of the tail and the ventral pigmentation developed with growth , which was one of the main characteristics in the larval stage for this species .

  5. 结果表明:在16~26℃范围内,黄鲷胚胎都能孵出仔鱼,孵化速度随水温上升而加快。

    The experimental result showed that the embryo could be hatched out at the range of 16-26 ℃ . With rising of the water temperature the speed of the hatching was expedited .

  6. 结果表明:(1)黄鲷受精卵和初孵仔鱼比其他鲷科鱼类的略小,受精卵径为0.834~0.998mm、油球直径为0.184~0.198mm、初孵仔鱼全长2.25mm。

    The results showed that :( 1 ) Both the fertilized eggs and the just-hatched-larvae were slightly smaller than those of other species of Sparidae . The diameter of egg and oil globule was 0.834-0.998 ? mm and 0.184-0.198 ?