
  • 网络Huang Binhong;huang binghong
  1. 黄宾虹作品观摩会在上海开幕。

    An exhibition of the works of Huang Binhong is held in Shanghai .

  2. 黄宾虹、林散之和王冬龄的书法艺术具有密切的师承关系。

    The calligraphy art of Huang binhong , Lin Sanzhi and Wang Dongling has close relations .

  3. 论新史学方法在黄宾虹美术史论中的运用

    The Application of New History Studies Methodology in the Huang Binhong ' Theory of the History of Arts

  4. 70岁以后,黄宾虹开始创立自己的风格,使艺术达到炉火纯青。

    After the age of 70 , Huang began to form his own artistic style and reached a higher painting realm .

  5. 分析山水画传统的继承和创新对黄宾虹以及当代山水画家的重要性。

    Ultimately , it is significant for the contemporary landscape painters to study the inheritance and innovation of traditional landscape painting .

  6. 如果说黄宾虹的艺术更加文人化,那么,李可染的艺术则更加大众化,后者更易于被广大读者所接受。

    Huang 's art is more appreciated by the educated , while the works of Li Keran are more popular among the ordinary people .

  7. 本文通过对黄宾虹墨法的整体研究,了解黄宾虹墨法的特点及墨法运用的基本演变。

    This article through to the overall huang bin-hong ink presentation study , understand Penn rainbow and the characteristics of the ink presentation ink presentation of the use of basic evolution .

  8. 追溯黄宾虹作为史家和学者的主要学术生涯,可以为解读他提供一个独特的视角,有助于我们更全面地认识和更准确地把握黄宾虹在中国现代美术史和学术史上的价值和意义。

    From this angle , we not only can find a special angle of view for this great master but also grasp Huang Binhong 's value and significance in moden Chinese art history and learning history .

  9. 在这条道路上诞生了一批大家,山水画方面有较大成就的是齐白石、黄宾虹、傅抱石等等,他们将传统山水画的潜力发挥到了极至。

    In this road landscape created a group of everybody , have bigger achievement is Furbish quiz banish , hangs bin-hang , waited a moment , they will play to the potential of traditional landscape management .

  10. 黄宾虹之所以坚持此论,当出于四个原因:是对五四否定文人画的思潮而发,且具有总结此后美术革命经验教训的意义;

    There are four reasons for Huang 's insisting on his theory : dissatisfaction with the negation of scholars ' paintings during the May 4th Movement so as to give a summary of the experience of the " painting revolution ";

  11. 黄宾虹是中国近代卓越的画家,他是中国绘画史上起着承接古人启发后来者的关键性的人物,为中国画的发展和革新做出了显著的贡献。

    Huang Bin Hong is the Chinese modern times remarkable painter , he is remarkably in Chinese drawing history plays is continuing the key man who the ancient inspire afterward role , made the remarkable contribution for the traditional Chinese painting development and the innovation .