
  • 网络Business;PRO;Windows Vista Business;Business Edition
  1. 他阅读商业版。

    He read the business section .

  2. 简介。它的成功让经济学家在媒体上重新赢得了主导地位,不仅出现在商业版和专栏中,还出现在增刊中。

    Its success has won a new leadership for economists , beyond the business section and the opinion columns , in the glossier pages of the weekend supplements .

  3. IDEA有一个免费的社区版,还有一个功能更加强劲的商业版。

    IDEA comes in the form of a free community edition as well as an expanded commercial edition .

  4. 在商业版的RMC中,过程还可以作为RationalPortfolioManager的项目计划模板进行部署。

    In the commercial version of RMC , they can also be deployed as project plan templates for Rational Portfolio Manager .

  5. 除了上述特性,商业版的应用服务器还在GlassFishServerControl中提供了如下的附加特性

    In addition to the above features , the commercial version of the application server provides the following value add features in GlassFish Server Control

  6. 优点:上手容易,特别是商业版,卓越的统一配置实用程序;非常友好的“开箱即用”的数十种语言的支持;liveCD安装光盘

    Pros : Beginner-friendly , especially the commercial edition ; excellent central configuration utility ; very good out-of-the-box support for dozens of languages ; installable live CD

  7. 可以从OracleGlassFishServer网站上下载GlassFish的商业版与开源版(包括API、指南和示例)。

    You can download the commercial version and open source edition ( includes APIs , Tutorials , Samples ) from Oracle GlassFish Server website .

  8. EIC商业版为电子商业和企业提供了易于安装的一体化解决方案。

    EIC Commerce Edition was designed as an easy-to-install pre-packaged solution fore-businesses and enterprises .

  9. Azure服务平台进展良好,将会在今年发布商业版。

    Scott talked about the Azure Services Platform and mentioned that it was still on track for a commercial release this year .

  10. 某些问题是商业版操作系统普遍存在的问题。

    There are certain problems that are common to all commercial-release operating systems .

  11. 安装一个免费版或者商业版的防病毒软件,使电脑免受病毒的攻击。

    Install a free or commercial anti-virus program to help protect against viruses , etc.

  12. 这样大的量会在尽可能短的时间内更新完毕。这一改变主要影响免费版的用户,商业版的用户不受影响。

    Users of the commercial antivirus solutions from Avira are not affected by this-they are always serviced by means of a reserved bandwidth and thus receive all updates at any time without hindrance .

  13. IBMCloudscape是ApacheDerby开放源码数据库的商业发行版。

    IBM Cloudscape ™ is the commercial release of the Apache Derby open source database .

  14. 本例集中讨论一个问题,我们部门当时正在开发一个商业发行版软件,这是一个JavaJDK1.1.8应用程序,一个测试人员花了几个小时研究这个程序才最终使这个问题显现出来。

    This example centers on a problem that manifested itself after a tester spent several hours working with a Java JDK1.1.8 application that my department was developing for commercial release .

  15. 所有版本都可已启用新的AlwaysOn功能,但是标准版和商业智能版被限制为两节点故障转移群集。

    All editions have the new AlwaysOn feature enabled , but Standard and Business Intelligence are limited to two-nodes failover clustering .

  16. Cfengine有两个版本:一个是存在已久的社区版,另一个是商业的企业版。

    Cfengine has two editions : a long-standing community edition and a commercial enterprise edition .

  17. TheJSR-170ToolsonlineWebportal:DaySoftware是JSR-170的规范领袖,它在这里演示了自己的JCR实现)&商业内容仓库终极版(CRX)。

    The JSR-170 Tools online Web portal : Here Day Software , the specification lead for JSR-170 , demonstrates its commercial Content Repository Extreme ( CRX ) implementation of JCR .

  18. 这些出版物包括《福布斯》这样的商业周刊以及俄罗斯版的《花花公子》、《大都市》、《Vogue》以及《时尚芭莎》等休闲杂志。

    The offerings include business journals such as Forbes , as well as Russian editions of glossy magazines from Playboy and Cosmopolitan to Vogue and Harper 's Bazaar .

  19. 其创始人为IanMurdock,他设想通过已有的数百位开发志愿者在业余时间创建一个完全非商业目的的发行版。

    Its founder , Ian Murdock , envisaged the creation of a completely non-commercial project developed by hundreds of volunteer developers in their spare time .

  20. 作为一家商业期刊的网络版,这个网站一度倍受尊敬。不过这篇文章被Macworld杂志指责为“代表反苹果作者的小丑表演”。

    in Forbes.com , the online arm of a once-respected business publication whose experiment in what it calls " incentive-based , entrepreneurial journalism " has led to what Macworld calls " a relentless clown show of anti-Apple contributors . "