
dì sān dài
  • third generation
第三代[dì sān dài]
  1. 欢迎光临3G的世界&第三代无线技术。

    Welcome to the world of3G & Third generation wireless technology .

  2. 作为第三代DNA多态性标志,单核苷酸多态性能在一定程度上反映人类个体或群体的特异性。

    As the third generation symbol of DNA polymorphism , single nucleotide polymorphism can reflect specific individual features in some extent .

  3. 作为得克萨斯州布朗斯维尔市的第三代人,米尔德里德•加尔扎从不乐意搬走,甚至当她的女儿和儿子要求她搬到圣安东尼奥帮助他们的孩子时,她也礼貌地拒绝了。

    As a third-generation native of Brownsville , Texas , Mildred Garza never pleased move away , Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help their children , she politely refused .

  4. 所谓3G,其实它的全称为ThirdGeneration,中文含义就是指第三代数字通信。

    So called 3G , its full name is 3rd generation in reality , Chinese means the third generation digital communication .

  5. 同时,第三代技术(3G)已经广泛地应用到了市场。

    Meanwhile , third-generation ( 3G ) technologies have been widely employed in markets .

  6. 第三代移动通信系统采用宽带CDMA技术,其主要目标是实现任何人可以在任何时间、任何地点进行任何方式的通信。

    The third generation mobile telecommunication system utilizes wide-band CDMA as its multiple access .

  7. 以知识管理为核心的第三代OA系统

    The third generation office automation system based on knowledge management

  8. 苹果公司(Apple)于3月6日在美国加里福尼亚州的旧金山市发布了人们期盼已久的第三代iPad。

    Apple unveiled its long-awaited third generation iPad on March 6 in San Francisco , California .

  9. 本文设计并实现了一套第三代移动通信网络管理软件MEM系统(MobileElementManagementSystem)。

    This article gives the idea of how to design and implement such a system , which is called MEM ( Mobile Element Management System ) .

  10. 第三代OA系统的安全性设计

    The Security Design in the Third Generation OA Systems

  11. 第三代移动通信技术(3G)的发展可以提供更快的无线下载速率。

    Third generation mobile communication technology ( 3G ) development can provide faster wireless download rate .

  12. 一种基于UML的第三代面向对象开发方法

    UML-based Third-generation Object-oriented Approaches

  13. 第三代蜂窝移动通信系统能以不同的数据率和服务质量(QualityOfService,QoS)支持不同类型的通信业务。

    The third generation cellular mobile communication system is expected to support various kinds of communication services with different data rates and quality of service ( QoS ) .

  14. 介绍德国第三代ICE列车的设计构想、编组、牵引及制动设备;

    The design plot , marshalling , traction and brake equipment of the third generation of ICE trains in Germany are described .

  15. 第三代移动通讯TD-SCDMA系统与WCDMA系统共存问题的研究

    Investigation of coexistence of third generation mobile communication system TD-SCDMA with WCDMA

  16. 基于LotusDomino/Notes的银行第三代OA系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of the Third OA System of Banking Based on Lotus Domino / Notes

  17. 吉林网通第三代移动通信(3G)营销策略分析

    The Analysis of Marketing Strategy of the Third Generation Mobile Communication ( 3G ) for JILIN CNC

  18. 网格是一种分布式计算基础设施,用来实现在动态的、跨组织域的虚拟组织(VO)内协同的资源共享和问题求解,被称为第三代Internet。

    Grid , a distributed Infrastructure , enables dynamic , cross-organizational sharing . It is called the 3rd Internet .

  19. 第三代移动通信系统(3G)的出现使在无线网络中提供各种视频业务成为可能。

    The emerging of third generation mobile system ( 3G ) makes various video applications in wireless environment possible .

  20. 漫谈VoIP技术发展趋势&H.325:第三代多媒体系统

    Discussion on the Development Trend of VoIP Technology & H.325 : The Third Generation Multimedia System

  21. 被称为第三代IO接口技术的PCIExpress总线规范的出现从结构上解决了带宽不足的问题。

    The PCI Express protocol , the third 10 technology , has solved the bandwidth problem from the architecture .

  22. 3G第三代移动通信网络因其在传输声音和数据的速度上的大幅提升而在全球得到广泛应用。

    The third generation mobile communication is popular around the world because of its high-speed of sound and data transmission .

  23. 我国第三代移动通信TD-SCDMA产业发展的比较优势

    The Industry Development Advantage of TD-SCDMA

  24. TD-SCDMA是拥有中国自主知识产权的第三代移动通信标准。

    TD-SCDMA is China has independent intellectual property rights of the third generation mobile communication standard .

  25. 通过这些配置文件,WS-I对形成当前第三代web服务栈有很大影响。

    Through these profiles , WS-I has had a major influence in shaping the current third generation of web services stacks .

  26. 这种新的编码机制与目前通信系统中普通的卷积编码方式相比,其纠错性能有了很大的提高。Turbo码已经被国际电信联盟提议用于第三代移动通信系统中。

    Turbo Code , a channel coding scheme introduced in 1993 has been proposed for third generation mobile communication systems .

  27. 第三代为微包囊Hb,其结构和功能更接近天然红细胞。

    The third generation is micro encapsulated Hb with struction and function closer to native red blood cells .

  28. 空间谱估计技术,波束形成技术及零点技术是第三代移动通信标准TD-SCDMA中,智能天线的三个重要功能。

    Space spectrum estimation , beamforming and nulling are important technique in smart antenna of TD-SCDMA communication standard .

  29. 被称为第三代新型太阳能电池的染料敏化太阳能电池(Dye-SensitizedSolarCell,DSC)具有广阔的研究和应用前景。

    Dye-sensitized solar cell ( DSC ) regarded as the third generation solar cell is promising due to its low cost and high theoretical efficiency .

  30. 第三代移动通信系统UMTS的概况

    An Overview of the 3rd Generation Mobile Communications System UMTS