
fǎn chuàn
  • play not one's customary role;(of actor)play not one's customary role
反串 [fǎn chuàn]
  • [(of actor)play not ones customary role] 戏曲演员暂时扮演本剧种之外的其他角色

反串[fǎn chuàn]
  1. 变换器由两个完全相同的Buck-Boost直-直变换器反串联组成。

    This converter is composed of two same Buck-Boost DC-DC converters .

  2. 结合线圈反串技术和谐振技术的SRM位置检测方案

    A Novel Indirect SRM Rotor Position Detecting Scheme by Combining Opposite Connect Sensing Coils Technique with Resonance Technique

  3. 功率MOSFET有三种开关组态:全波桥组态、反串联组态和反并联组态,通过对比选择了反串联组态作为本文的研究对象。

    There are three configurations with Power MOSFET , they are full-wave , anti-series and anti-parallel configuration , and by comparing the anti-series is chosen to be the object of research finally .

  4. 本文介绍了结合线圈反串技术和谐振技术的开关磁阻电机(SRM)间接位置检测方案的工作机理,并提供了实施应用的方法。

    A novel SRM ( Switched Reluctance Motor ) indirect rotor position detecting scheme by combining opposite connect sensing coils technique with resonance technique is presented in this paper . And in addition , its application is supplied .

  5. 在CDF框架实现的关键技术方面,本文从表单串行化及反串行化、表单定制、表单动态生成及数据访问技术等方面对其进行了详细的讨论。

    As to the implementation of CDF framework , this thesis discusses it in some facets such as the form serialization , form customization , form dynamic creation , and data access operation .

  6. 内核在配置开始时对映像进行反串行化处理。

    The kernel deserializes the image when the configuration is started .

  7. 来看看演员们在电影中反串的精彩表演吧!

    See stars who have donned drag for film now .

  8. 我所关心的是他可能是来反串的。

    He can cross-dress as far as I 'm concerned .

  9. 提出了玻璃化转变的反串级涡旋运动模式。

    The inverse cascade motion model of glass transition has been suggested .

  10. 由女演员反串理查德二世并非原创之举;

    Having an actress play Richard II is not original ;

  11. 在2007年重拍的《发胶》中,约翰·屈伏塔反串出演埃德娜·特布莱德。

    In the2007 remake of Hairspray , John Travolta takes on the part of Edna Turnblad .

  12. 即使没有反串表演,所有人都清楚自己讲不得不与同事和老板共度良宵。

    Even without plays and cross-dressing , everyone knows they will have to spend an evening with their colleagues and boss .

  13. 其参数可以是一个复杂的对象(不需要编写串行器(数据编制)或者反串行器(数据编出)的部分)。

    The parameter can be a complex object ( in parts without programming a Serializabler ( Marshalling ) or Deserializabler ( Unmarshalling )) .

  14. 该系统常出现结焦、堵灰、分离效率下降及回料阀烟气反串等问题。

    Common problems occurred in this system often are slagging , clogging , drop of separation efficiency and reverse flue gas at return valve .

  15. 反串指的是演员扮演异性角色的艺术,已经存在了几千年。

    Cross-gender acting is the art of an actor or actress portraying a character of the opposite sex and it 's been around for thousands of years .

  16. 同时,大多数公司还会献上一部传统的圣诞童话剧—通常是人们反串演绎童话名著。

    Most companies also stage a traditional Christmas pantomime - a performance , usually of a well-known fairy tale , in which men play women and women play men .

  17. 剧中,邱吉尔把殖民压迫和性别压迫并置,并采用了反串的戏剧技巧,进一步加深了性别压迫的主题。

    The author 's artistic representation of gender and heterosexuality is reinforced by the merging of colonial and sexual oppression and the theatrical technique of cross-casting in the play .

  18. 19岁的刘著来自四川,粉丝们称他伪娘。比赛中他的反串演出使得他一夜成名。

    Liu Zhu , 19 , from Sichuan province , who has been nicknamed " pseudo-girl " by his fans , has risen to stardom overnight with his cross-dressing performance in the competition .

  19. 他的特殊之处在于他是从时空观念和女性心理个性体验切入,将易变的人情与炎凉的世态通过性别和角色的倒错与反串,把女性心理和情感的延伸曲折地表现出来。

    He did it in an extraordinary way to outline the changeable human nature through a reversed sexual role with the space-time idea and female personal mental experience , so as to reveal the complex feelings of the female .

  20. 据北京青年报报道,广电总局要求国内电视节目应推广积极向上的主流文化。而作为边缘文化的代表,伪娘及反串现象应被制止。

    The Beijing Youth Daily report said SARFT demands the country ` s TV programs to promote positive and mainstream cultures , while the " pseudo-girl " and cross-dressing phenomenon , as part of a marginal culture , should be checked .