
fǎn qīn lüè
  • anti-aggression
  1. 正义的、反侵略的战争以及战争中随进步性和正义性存在的英雄事迹就是应当歌颂的。

    Justice , anti-aggression war and the war with the progressive nature and justice exist in praise of the heroic deeds of those who should be .

  2. 在不丧失领土主权的范围内,和一切反对日本侵略主义的国家订立反侵略的同盟及抗日的军事互助协定。

    Conclude anti-aggression alliances and anti-Japanese pacts for mutual military aid with all countries that are opposed to Japanese aggression , provided that this entails no loss of our territory or of our sovereign rights .

  3. 我们必须在反侵略斗争中联合起来。

    We must join forces in our struggle against aggression .

  4. 论鸦片战争前后广东民众反侵略斗争的影响

    The Influence of Guangdong Citizens ' Fight Against Aggression Around the Opium war

  5. 中国朝鲜族在反侵略斗争中的卓越贡献

    The Outstanding Contributions of the Korean Nationality of China in the War Against Aggression

  6. 中国佛教界在这场伟大的民族反侵略战争中作出了应有的贡献。

    The Chinese Buddhism had made the proper contribution in this great nationality war against aggression .

  7. 那个国家的人民团结得像一个人,进行了反侵略的正义战争。

    United as one , the people of that country waged a just war against aggression .

  8. 但在两次鸦片战争时期,参加反侵略战争的八旗兵,仍与侵略者展开了英勇的激战。

    But during the two potium wars , the eight flag soldiers launched fierce battles against the invaders .

  9. 电影歌曲作为一种大众艺术形式,民族意识驱使其为反侵略战争加油助威。

    National consciousness makes film songs which are as apublic art form to cheer for the war against aggression .

  10. 发生在1950年10月至1953年7月的抗美援朝战争,是新中国成立后,中国人民进行的第一次反侵略战争。这场战争的胜利,极大地提高了新中国的国际地位。

    The Chinese victory in the Korean War against American invasion of Korea greatly raised China 's status in international affairs .

  11. 自强不息精神激励人们顽强地反侵略,是近代中国生存发展的动力源泉;

    The spirit of unceasing self-improvement encouraged the nation to oppose aggression and became the dynamic source of the development of modern China .

  12. 第六,马克思主义本身的中国适用性,着重分析科学历史观在当时的意义以及马克思主义本身对殖民地国家反侵略的意义。

    The applicability of Marxism in China . The significance of conception of science & history and Marxian influence on colonial countries ' struggle against aggression are emphasized .

  13. 抗战前南京国民政府反对棉花掺水搀杂的斗争论鸦片战争前后广东民众反侵略斗争的影响

    Nanjing Nationalist Government 's Fight Against Water-adding and Adulteration of Cotton before the Anti-Japanese-Aggression War The Influence of Guangdong Citizens ' Fight Against Aggression Around the Opium war

  14. 20世纪初,列宁揭露帝国主义对中国的侵略,驳斥帝国主义者的歪理邪说,声援中国人民反侵略的斗争。

    Early in the 20th century , Lenin disclosed the aggression of imperialists against China , refuted the imperialist sophistries and heresies and supported the Chinese struggle against the aggression .

  15. 《东方杂志》的爱国情感和救国意识极为强烈,在清末时期,该刊极为关注民族兴亡,亟亟要求采用文明的方式来反侵略。

    In the late Qing Dynasty , the Eastern Miscellany pays close attention to the national survival . It strongly requires that people should use civilized way to resist aggression .

  16. 20世纪中国战争小说是在近代反侵略战争背景和近代小说革命的浪潮中发端的,并义无返顾地担当起为社会政治服务的使命;

    The 20th century Chinese war novels made a start in the process of the modern anti invasion war and revolution of modern novels . Immediately , they undertook the mission of serving politics .

  17. 同时,要积极开展人民外交活动,加强同国际朋友的友好往来,为发展国际反侵略扩张的统一战线作出自己的努力。

    At the same time , it should actively expand people-to-people diplomacy , promote amicable exchanges with foreign friends and make its contribution to the growth of the international united front against aggression and expansionism .

  18. 培养接班人,这件事关系到军队建设和未来反侵略战争的大局,非解决不可。

    The issue of training our successors must be resolved by every available means , because it bears directly on the building of our army and our overall national interests in any future war against aggression .

  19. 中国虽明知人力一项,乃一国之真正富源,并需累代之久始能成长,然中国在其反侵略战争中,从未计及其在人力方面所受之损失。

    In the past China has not computed the cost to her manpower in her fight against aggression , although she well realized that manpower is the real wealth of a nation and it takes generations to grow it .

  20. 摘要鸦片战争前后广东民众反侵略斗争,沉重打击了外来侵略势力,冲击了地方官府的媚外政策,捍卫了自身权益,但也产生了一些负面影响。

    The people 's fight against foreign aggression around the Opium War in Guangdong stroke forcefully the external aggression power , pounded the local government 's foreign policy , quarded against their own rights and interests , but caused some negative effect .

  21. 在反法西斯侵略过程中,租借物资援助对中国人民抵抗日本侵略者,发挥了巨大的作用。

    Leased material assistance to China had played a progressive role of justice on the Chinese people against Japanese invaders in the course of the anti-fascist aggression .

  22. 为了反帝国主义侵略,我们一定要建立强大的海军。

    In order to oppose imperialist aggression , we must build a powerful navy .

  23. 中国抗日战争不仅开辟了反法西斯战争的第一个战场,而且有力地支援了苏联反法西斯侵略的卫国战争,粉碎了德日会师中东的战略企图,也是打败日本法西斯的决定因素。

    The Chinese Anti-Japanese war not only opened the first front in anti-fascism war , but also supported forcefully the Soviet Union and broke the attempt of Germany and Japan to meet in the Middle East and helped the US defeat Japan .