
fǎn pāi
  • backhand
反拍[fǎn pāi]
  1. 对于产生反拍上的力量的更多资讯,可以看看录影带-一致的网球致胜第IV集。

    For more information on generating power on the backhand see the video Consistent Tennis Wins IV The Backhand .

  2. 测试对象正手上旋球从引拍到击球髋角逐渐增大,双手反拍髋角受限,除刘XX外,其余队员变化较小。

    The players are hitting topspin ball in forehand , the hip angle increase from ready to hit , limited hip angle backhand with both hands , in addition to Liu XX , the remaining members change little .

  3. 在反拍的歌曲里面,我喜欢为大部分的乐器运用一个短衰减(decay)。

    In up-tempo songs , I like to use a short decay for most of the instruments .

  4. 3种最新网球双手反拍抽球技术分析与训练研究

    Analysis and training of three latest tennis skills of two-hander backhand stroke

  5. 想办法将球挡回去,低一点就好,或再回击一个吊高球往他的反拍方向。

    Try to punch it low or hit another lob towards the backhand .

  6. 试论网球进攻战术中的双手反拍

    Trial Exploration on Double Handed Back Grip in the Attacking Tactics of Tennis

  7. 试着用双手反拍,同样握法,由下往上。

    Try a two-handed backhand , same grip , and then low to high .

  8. 网球双手反拍抽击球技术中主发力手辨析

    Analysis on " the Main Force in Hand " in Tennis Hand Backhand Stroke Pump Skill

  9. 而他所采用的单手反拍,在过去几年中有了长足的进步。

    Federer plays with a one-handed backhand which over the course of the past few years has improved tremendously .

  10. 网球选手如果能够熟练地掌握底线反拍单手击球动作,就有可能在比赛中取得优异的成绩。

    Tennis players able to command baseline backhand stroke with single hand are more likely to have satisfactory performances in the competition .

  11. 分析了网球运动中底线反拍单手击球动作的握拍方式,击球的种类与要点,关节运动与肌肉的收缩特点,以及训练方法。

    This paper analyzes the griping methods , striking kinds and points , joint and muscle contraction characteristics and training methods of baseline backhand stroke with single hand .

  12. 张继科在4年前仅仅用了15个月就赢得了世锦赛、世界杯和奥运会的冠军,并成为大满贯球员,这次却出现了太多的非受迫性失误,也没能展现出令人轻易折服的标志性反拍。

    Zhang , already a Grand Slam winner four years ago after crowned at the World Championships , World Cup and Olympic Game in just 15 months , made too many unforced errors and failed to perform his trademark backhand to easily surrender .