
fǎn duì pài
  • opposition faction
反对派 [fǎn duì pài]
  • (1) [anti]∶对习俗、法律、政策或运动的反对者

  • (2) [opposition faction]∶特指反对某项事物(如一项政策或政党)的集体

  • (3) [negative]∶辩论时持反对意见的一派

  • (4) [Mitnaggedim]∶犹太教用语,特指坚持传统教义而反对18世纪中叶东欧哈西德运动的犹太人

  • (5) [protestnik]∶凡事抗议的人

  1. 几个造反的下院议员已与反对派站在一起。

    The rebel MPs have realigned themselves with the opposition party .

  2. 反对派领袖加强了对政府的攻击。

    The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government .

  3. 这个政权的左翼反对派多数已被除掉。

    Most of the regime 's left-wing opponents were eliminated .

  4. 经过选举,反对派开始露头。

    After the elections opposition groups began to emerge .

  5. 反对派声称这份报告文过饰非。

    The opposition claimed the report was a whitewash .

  6. 反对派一再要求总统辞职。

    The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president 's resignation .

  7. 政府唯一聊以自慰的是反对派与他们一样困惑不解。

    The government 's only crumb of comfort is that their opponents are as confused as they are .

  8. 反对派希望利率再降一个百分点。

    The rebels want another 1 % cut in interest rates .

  9. 总统和反对派之间的嫌隙是不可弥合的。

    The gap between the President and his opponents is unbridgeable .

  10. 阿兰·加西亚总统遭右翼反对派喝倒彩。

    President Alan Garcia was barracked by the right wing opposition .

  11. 他渐渐顺从了反对派的要求。

    He has gradually acquiesced to the demands of the opposition

  12. 一位反对派领袖莫名身亡,引发了示威游行。

    The demonstrations were provoked by the unexplained death of an opposition leader

  13. 他谴责反对派企图阻挠选举的进行。

    He accused the opposition of trying to sabotage the election

  14. 反对派领导人说,选举中存在舞弊现象。

    Opposition leaders said that the elections had been tainted by corruption .

  15. 他指控3名反对派成员营私舞弊。

    He had accused three opposition members of corrupt practices .

  16. 反对派领导人常搞得他在国会中下不来台。

    The opposition leader has regularly discomfited him in parliament .

  17. 反对派示威者已经在通往国会大厦的道路上设置了路障。

    Opposition demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building

  18. 主要反对派领导人都已经遭到逮捕或软禁。

    The main opposition leaders had been arrested or placed under house arrest

  19. 在消磨反对派的意志方面,没有人能比得上你那惊人的意志力和不懈的坚持。

    None can match your sheer willpower and persistence in wearing down the opposition

  20. 反对派似乎已经选择了合作而不是对抗的路线。

    The opposition appear to have chosen the path of cooperation rather than confrontation

  21. 密探可能会力求败坏反对派的名声。

    Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition .

  22. 反对派争辩说新委员会不但违反宪法,而且没有效力。

    The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth

  23. 反对派的政治家们一直呼吁对其严惩。

    Opposition politicians have been baying for his blood .

  24. 反对派游击组织同意停战,以和平的方式解决争端。

    The rival guerrilla groups had agreed to stop fighting and settle their differences peaceably

  25. 抗议失败了,部分原因是因为反对派政治家们并未发挥积极作用。

    The protests have failed partly because the opposition politicians are no great shakes .

  26. 据说,许多反对派的重要人物也在被捕者之列。

    A number of leading opposition figures were said to be among those arrested .

  27. 他的策略是使反对派陷入错综复杂的议会程序之中。

    His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure .

  28. 政府及其反对派竞相利用这些问题为自己谋利。

    The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage .

  29. 观察家说周末发生的事件似乎为反对派赢得了更多支持。

    Observers say the events of the weekend seem to have increased support for the opposition

  30. 他说如果这些条件不能得到满足,反对派的要求会变得更激进。

    He says the opposition will radicalize its demands if these conditions aren 't met .