
  • 网络No. 5;Number five
  1. 请失主到第五号车厢认领。

    Will the owner please come to car number five to claim it ?

  2. 第五号的是什么?

    What is the number five like ?

  3. 关税及贸易总协定第五号更正议定书

    Fifth Protocol of Rectifications to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

  4. 递交纽约第五号路旅馆,巴黎自然科学博物馆教授阿龙纳斯先生。

    Pierre Aronnax Professor at the Paris Museum Fifth Avenue Hotel

  5. 难道我没下过指令,让你们把第五号包厢给我留空吗?

    Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty ?

  6. 贝多芬写出第五号交响曲之前睡过好觉吗?

    Did Beethoven sleep before he wrote the5th ?

  7. 97年前,一位年轻的法国艺术家穿过美国纽约市的曼哈顿,走进J•L•莫特铁制品厂(JLMottIronWorks)位于第五大道118号的一家销售店。

    Ninety-seven years ago , a young French artist walked across Manhattan into 118 Fifth Avenue , an outlet for J L Mott Iron Works .

  8. 蓝格咖啡馆坐落在第五大道727号四楼,新装修,奢侈品和配饰比比皆是,映入眼帘的第一件设计来自瑞德·克拉考夫(ReedKrakoff)。克拉考夫于一月上任蒂凡尼首席艺术总监。

    The Blue Box Caf é is tucked into the fourth floor at 727 Fifth Avenue , part of a wholly renovated space that showcases a luxury home and accessories collection , the first major project from Reed Krakoff , who became the company 's chief artistic officer in January .

  9. 美国纽约第五大道505号楼

    505 Fifth Avenue , New York , USA

  10. 艾丽斯:我去我的朋友家了,它位于第五大街三号。

    Alice : I was at my friend 's house , No.3 on Fifth Avenue .

  11. 由于在佛罗里达肯尼迪太空地区附近的雷电暴风雨,国家航空和宇宙航行局已经取消了在星期一的第五次奋进号的发射。

    NASA has cancelled the launch of Endeavour for the fifth time Monday due to thunderstorms near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida .

  12. 兹定于2月1日迁到更方便的纽约市第五街7号新址办公,特此通告。

    We inform you that we shall on the first February remove to a more convenient office at 7 5th Ave. , New York .

  13. 此外开发商要向索费颇高的移民中介支付费用,还要支付法律费用等其他款项,芬克尔斯坦说,他为维克托集团在第五大街281号的项目提供咨询。

    Developers pay the costly immigration agents , as well as legal fees and other expenses , said Mr. Finkelstein , who is advising the Victor Group on 281 Fifth Avenue .