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  1. Vaidya星度规的进一步推广

    Further Generalization of the Vaidya Star Metric

  2. 编制完成了脉冲星相位模糊度搜索算法库。

    A library of phase ambiguity resolution algorithms is furnished .

  3. 脉冲星时稳定度及可能应用

    Frequency Stability of Pulsar Time Scale and Possible Application

  4. 脉冲星射电光度的统计分析

    Statistical analyses of radio luminosity of Pulsars

  5. 本文从与其它系统进行系统性能和星上复杂度的比较分析中得出了MF-TDMA/CWTDM系统的优势。

    Comparing with other systems , the advantages of MF-TDMA / CWTDM system are self-evident in system performance and on-board equipment complexity .

  6. 实验结果表明:用这种算法计算的脉冲星时间尺度稳定度有显著提高。

    The experiment result shows that : the stability of time scale that calculated with this algorithm is better than other .

  7. 随着星载软件复杂度的增加,提高软件测试效率对保证软件质量越来越重要,软件的可测试性设计成为提高软件测试效率的关键手段。

    Satellite 's on-board software is much more complex than before , so how to improve test efficiency of satellite software is very important for its quality .

  8. 目前星敏感器应用的标准图像传感器是CCD,然而传统的CCD星敏感器集成度低、外围支持电路复杂、多电压供电、成本高等缺点已越来越难以满足航天器发展的需求。

    Now normal image sensor of star sensor is CCD , but because traditional CCD star sensor has low integration level , complicated support circuits , multi-voltage power supply and high price , it can not reach the requests of space probe .

  9. 研究表明,在较短时间跨度内,原子时稳定度好于脉冲星时,而在长时间尺度(如1年以上)上,脉冲星时间尺度稳定度好于原子时。

    The results of research have shown : the stability of atomic time is better than pulsar time in the short time span , whereas , the stability of pulsar time is better than atomic time in the long time span ( e.g. : 1y ) .