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  1. 任天堂希望凭借公司独创的游戏人物,比如马里奥(Mario)、林克(Link)、大金刚(DonkeyKong)、星际火狐(StarFox)和星之卡比(Kirby),进入这个蓬勃发展的市场。

    Nintendo wants to tap into this growing market with its original game characters such as Mario , Link , Donkey Kong , Star Fox , and Kirby .

  2. 沃德指出,凭借《星之卡比:彩虹诅咒》、《马里奥派对10》和《塞尔达传说》等独家游戏,WIIU在2015年的表现将空前强劲。

    Ward noted that Wii U will have its strongest year yet in 2015 because of the strong lineup of exclusive franchise games like Kirby and the Rainbow Curse , Mario Party 10 and The Legend of Zelda .