
  1. 在北京以东的沙质平原上,“星耀五洲”(theworld)项目陷于困境。

    On the sandy plains east of Beijing , the world is in trouble .

  2. “星耀五洲”的设计意图是容纳10万居民,提供一个室内滑雪场、一座旧金山金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)的复制品,以及一家七星级酒店。

    The World was designed to house 100000 people , an indoor ski dome , a replica of San Francisco 's Golden Gate Bridge and a seven-star hotel .

  3. 尽管存在这种悲观的展望,但“星耀五洲”正展现出一些生机。

    Despite this gloomy prognosis , The World is showing signs of life .

  4. 倪峥臻(音译)是“星耀五洲”工地上的一个承包商,手下有一批电工和水管工。他预计,政府很快就将被迫放松政策。

    Ni Zhengzhen , a contractor at The World with a crew of electricians and plumbers , predicted that the government would soon lose its nerve .

  5. 但是,从“星耀五洲”到天津市中心的40公里高速公路沿途到处都是新建高楼和建筑工地,这提醒人们中国政府为什么如此坚决地要让楼市降温。

    But the highway from The World to downtown Tianjin , a 40km stretch of new towers and construction sites , is a reminder of why the government has been so determined to cool the property market .