
mén shēng
  • Student;protégé;disciple;pupil
门生 [mén shēng]
  • [pupil;disciple] 汉人称亲受业者为弟子,相传受业者为门生。后世门生与弟子无别,甚至依附名势者,也自称门生

门生[mén shēng]
  1. 她坐在她的朋友罗大夫的旁边,他是巴斯特最忠实的门生。

    Her seat was next to her friend Dr Roux , who had been Pasteur 's most devoted disciple .

  2. 素有“小虎”之称的拉方特是老虎基金(TigerManagement)经理朱利安•罗伯逊的门生,他曾表示,投资科技股实际上相当简单。

    Laffont , known as a " tiger cub " because he is a protege of legendary hedge fund manager Julian Robertson of tiger management , said that investing in tech is actually pretty simple .

  3. 事实上,埃文斯是保尔森被阿里巴巴挖走的第二个门生。阿里巴巴负责企业事务的资深副总裁吉姆威尔金森(JimWilkinson)曾是保尔森在财政部的幕僚长。

    In fact , Mr Evans is the second prot é g é of Mr Paulson 's to be snapped up by Alibaba - Jim Wilkinson , the group 's senior vice-president for corporate affairs was Mr Paulson 's chief of staff at the Treasury .

  4. 学习战略对门生有用地学习英语起着至关重要的作用。

    Learning Strategies plays a critical role in effective English learning .

  5. 她读小学时就一贯是最优秀的门生。

    In junior school she had been a straight A student .

  6. 主要是其篆刻艺术是对门生的影响。

    Mainly in the Art of Seal Carving is a protege of .

  7. 克伦普夫人,这是我们最得意的门生。

    Our finest pupil ever , Mrs. Krump . Uh-oh .

  8. 你想和我的门生个宝宝吗,二等兵?

    You trying to make a baby with my barracks door , private ?

  9. 一次逢王的生日,他的门生想给他祝寿。

    On his birthday , his students wanted to give him a party .

  10. 我们觉得汤姆是班上最好的门生之一。

    We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class .

  11. 某著名小提琴家的年轻门生

    A young protege of a famous violinist

  12. 他是个好门生,我期望他有一个美妙的将来。

    He is a good student . I hope he will have a wonderful future .

  13. 他是多么好的一个门生!

    What a good student he is !

  14. 大多数的门生充分利用时候,全身心投入到学习中去。

    Most students are making full use of their time and devoting themselves to their studies .

  15. 设置的比赛的环节可以或许激励门生勇敢尝试,进步他们英语学习的本领。

    A competition can encourage them to try by themselves and improve their ability of learning .

  16. 多年以前,叔祖的学塾中有个聪明年少的门生。

    It seemed many years ago , there was a clever young boy studying under my grand-uncle .

  17. 他声名远扬,国人皆知,于是许多门生都来到他门下学习。

    His reputation extended far and wide throughout the land and many students gathered to study under him .

  18. 他无畏的进行批判,推荐提拔有能力的人,但是他的门生最终又成了他的反对派。

    he criticized fearlessly , and he recommended the promotion of able men who eventually led opposing parties .

  19. 这1环节是对重点句型的温习巩固,也是给门生设置的一项拓展延长的学习运动。

    This part is the consolidation of the key structure , and also is an extensive activity for the Ss .

  20. 重生退学伊饱即开端尊师重教活动,能够给教师教好、门生学好发明精良的氛围。

    Iraq began full admission of respecting teachers , teachers can teach and students can learn to create a good atmosphere .

  21. 新加皮和马来西亚都应用简化汉字,美国和其他地区的中文门生也在应用。

    Singapore and Malaysia both use them and more students of Chinese in the US and other places are picking them up .

  22. 美国战后一代导演如白赖仁‧迪庞马等,全是希治阁门生;

    A whole generation of American post-war directors , like Brian De Palma , is among his prot é g é s ;

  23. 三十名门生都设法主意去追念他们做了什么。

    Thirty children tried to think about not only what they had done , but also what our teacher may have found out .

  24. 这种学习战略训练的使命重要应由西席来完成,由于他们被以为是门生学习历程的引导者和促进者。

    The responsibility of strategy training lies mainly with teachers , who are considered as the guides and facilitators of the students ? learning .

  25. 本人对门生有奇特的领导要领鼓励门生的学习兴趣,打消门生厌学感情,倍增门生学习的信心。

    I have many unique conseling methods of arousing students interest , eliminating students wearful emotion and being full of confidence in their study .

  26. 在不少黉舍,门生很早就要求在大学第一年的入学介绍或是更早的时刻做出专业选择。

    At many schools , students are under pressure to declare a major as part of first-year orientation or early in the first year .

  27. 课本开发的范畴和效果符合大多小学英语大纲的请求,课本的计划手段是让筹备参与国际学习大概考试的门生在英语方面获得好成就。

    My Pals Are Here ! English International Edition is a six-level programme that prepares young learners to meet the challenges of the future .

  28. 1776年至1779年,他服务于维吉尼亚州议会,被称为托马斯·杰斐逊的门生。

    He served in the Virginia state legislature from 1776 to 1779 and became known as a prot é g é of Thomas Jefferson .

  29. 美国门生偶尔和西席在讲堂长举行争论,发起西席在某些方面做出改进,乃至批驳西席的不雅观点。

    American students sometimes argue with their teachers in class , give teachers suggestions on things that need changing , or even criticize their ideas .

  30. 音乐经理人西蒙·考威尔或许因为门生众多而能够问鼎音乐排行榜,但是在“英国最具衣着品味男人”榜中他只得到一个不好不坏的43名。

    Music impresario Simon Cowell may top the record charts with his proteges , but could only manage a modest 43 in the best-dressed list 。