
mén zhóu
  • Door shaft;door axle
门轴 [mén zhóu]
  • [door-hinge] 门开关时绕着旋转的轴

  1. 外面的门被风从门轴上吹掉下来。

    Exterior doors were blown off their hinges .

  2. 门已经脱出了门轴。

    The door was off hinges .

  3. 本实用新型涉及一种电冰箱箱门门轴转换装置。

    The utility model relates to a changing device for a door shaft of a refrigerator door .

  4. 快怠速凸轮的位置是由阻风门轴上的杆臂控制的。

    Airflow choking plate The fast-idle cam position is controlled by an arm on the choke shaft .

  5. 如果遇到一扇难开的门,他就会在门轴上涂一点油。

    If he faced a door hard to open , he would smear some oil on the hinges .

  6. 屋顶摇摇欲坠,门已经脱出了门轴,屋里空空荡荡,一无所有。

    The roof was beginning to fall in ; the door was off its hinges ; the rooms were empty and bare .

  7. 我从麦当劳搜集的就餐赠品快速的减少,因为我经常用他们撬起门来观察门轴里螺丝的运转方式。

    My meager collection of McDonald 's Happy Meal toys soon dwindled , as I began prying open poor Simba to see the gears and wheels inside .

  8. 不是凭借你心智的思虑,只是在你心信任的美妙之中,你弄响了门轴打开金色的门消失在明亮的房间里。

    Not with thoughts of your mind , but in the believing sweetness of your heart , you snap the link and open the golden door and disappear into the bright room , the everlasting ecstasy , eternal Now .

  9. 结果:50例肝硬化患者中37例显示有粗大清晰的侧支血管,另13例虽未清楚显示侧支循环,但脾门轴静脉及心肝显影时相、脾门轴静脉形态均明显异常。

    Results : 37 cases of 50 patients showed thick , clear collateral blood veins . Although the other 13 cases did not show clear collateral veins , the time of splenoportal circulation , the heart and liver images , and splenoportal circulation shape were all distinctively abnormal .