
gēng tì
  • replace;supersedure;take turns;substitute;shift
更替 [gēng tì]
  • [replace] 更换

  • 两组设备相互更替

更替[gēng tì]
  1. 季节的变换更替永恒不变,而潮流的指标却总是变化多端。

    Seasonal commutation replace eternity is changeless , and the index of tide always is metabolic multiterminal however .

  2. 20世纪90年代以来,中国的总和生育率已降至更替水平以下,并呈递减态势。

    Since the 1990s , total fertility rate of China has dropped to under the replace standard and decreased progressively .

  3. 从事高等教育的人员新老更替极其缓慢。

    There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education

  4. 肺细胞约每周新老更替一次。

    Lung cells die and are replaced about once a week

  5. 昼夜更替。

    Day and night alternate .

  6. 此外,约50%的世界人口生活在目前这一数字低于更替水平(即每名妇女生育2.1个)的地区,几乎所有发达国家都在经历次更替以下的出生率。

    Furthermore , around 50 % of the world 's population live in regions where the figure is now below the replacement level ( i.e.2.1 births per woman ) and almost all developed nations are experiencing sub-replacement birth rate .

  7. 更替成本约束下的CEO最优解聘时机模型

    Model on Optimal Dismissing Time to CEO Based on Switching Cost

  8. 国有上市公司CEO更替方式与企业绩效

    The Relationship between CEO Turnover and Firm Performance of China 's State-owned Listed Companies

  9. CEO更替是董事会做出的最重要决策之一,目前是公司治理机制与治理结构研究的核心课题。

    CEO turnover is one of the most important decisions by board of directors . It is also a core issue in the field of corporate governance .

  10. 还有一种被称为“太平洋十年涛动”(Pacificdecadaloscillation)、周期更长的海水冷热更替现象,现在可能正从寒冷期转入温暖期。

    And a longer-term cycle of heating and cooling known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation may be switching from a cooling phase to a warming phase .

  11. “我认为,这一批准与政府的更替直接相关”加州3百万美元干细胞研究项目的主要负责人RoberNKlein如是说。

    " I think this approval is directly tied to the change in administration ," said Robert N.Klein , the chairman of California 's $ 3 billion stem cell research program .

  12. 优势种更替率R值分析结果表明,黄海南部及东海调查区中小型桡足类群落所栖息的环境从夏季转至秋季的变化较大,从冬季转至夏季的变化相对较小。

    The calculated value of alternative rate R for dominant species showed that the habitant environment for meso small copepods community in the investigated area varied greatly in summer turning to autumn and relatively less in winter turning to summer .

  13. 首席执行官的更替速度影响重大:在IBM实施辉煌的五年计划时,惠普首席执行官从硬件高管菲奥莉娜、赫德转到软件高管李艾科,再到现在的电子商务高手惠特曼。

    The pace of CEO turnover can be crucial : while IBM has had the luxury of laying out five-year plans , HP has shifted from hardware execs Fiorina and Hurd to software exec apotheker to e-commerce veteran Whitman .

  14. 持续型(秋季型)的ELNino事件可能会引起上海地区年雷暴日数异常偏多,而少雷暴年则多为ENSO(ELNino/SouthernOscillation)冷暖事件的更替年。

    Durative El Nino events are likely to induce the abnormal increment of the thunderstorm frequency while fewer thunderstorms occur in the period of ENSO ( El Nino / Southern Oscillation ) transformation years .

  15. 结论:利用导向选择链更替技术,筛选出特异性较强、完全人源化的抗肝癌抗原HAb18G的Fab抗体,为进一步的工作打下了基础。

    CONCLUSION : By guided-selection and chain shuffling technique , the humanized Fab antibody against HAb18G is obtained , which lays the foundation for further research .

  16. 地下水盆地内局部地下水系统地下水循环更替快,年龄为20a左右,地下水年龄随深度增加而增加;

    The cycle rate in the local groundwater system is fast and the age is about 20 years old , which increases with the depth .

  17. e.由于丘间地水分条件较好,受风沙活动的影响较小,同时由于流动沙丘和丘间地的不断更替降低了物种之间的竞争强度,就使丘间地具有较高的物种丰富度和物种均匀度。

    E. Due to favorable condition of soil moisture , weak activity of wind and sand , and low inter-specific competition intensity resulting from repeated alternation between sand dunes and inter-dunes , the plant species richness and the plant species evenness are quite high in inter-dunes .

  18. 作为航空航天远征军人员更替和缺少专用搜寻与救援飞机的结果,从今年早些时候开始战斗搜寻与救援任务变成F-16的一个正式任务。

    The CSAR mission became a formal assignment for the F-16 earlier this year as a result of Aerospace Expeditionary Force rotations and the lack of dedicated search and rescue aircraft .

  19. 例如,在金融衍生市场中,可能通过一个约务更替(novation)过程在某个时间点上用新的一方替换已有的一方。

    For example , in financial derivatives processing , a new party may replace an existing party at a particular point in time , through a process called novation .

  20. 我后来才学会了阅读,可当我开始沉迷于诗歌,并且十几岁时就会背诵希薇亚·普拉斯(SylviaPlath)的那首《爸爸》时,家人反而更替我担心了。

    I did then learn to read , and I think I disturbed the folks more when I became addicted to poetry and , as a teenager , learned Sylvia Plath 's " Daddy " by heart .

  21. 结果表明,品种更替中,株高结构渐趋合理,株高构成指数(IL)接近黄金分割值(0.618);较高的IL值可作为大麦高产育种的选择指标;

    It was showed that plant height structure was improved and plant length component index ( I_L ) approximated to the golden section value ( 0.618 ) during variety replacement , the higher I_L was suggested as a selection criterion for high productive breeding in barley .

  22. 我国草莓品种更替的性状演变

    Evolutionary changes in some characters of strawberry cultivars grown in China

  23. 高技术企业的权变治理、管理者更替与企业永续发展

    Tact Governance , Governor Replacement and Sustained Development of High-tech Corporation

  24. 董事长更替对于弱势的董事会而言更替是一个非同小可的问题。

    And chair succession is a serious problem for weak boards .

  25. 还有对吴地的季节更替,江南梅雨的关注。

    Wu also on the seasonal change , South rainy attention .

  26. 玉米品种更替过程中群体光合特性的演变

    Development of Canopy Apparent Photosynthesis among Maize Varieties from Different Eras

  27. 南朝宋、齐、梁、陈四代,王朝更替的模式基本相同。

    The dynasties subrogation models were basically alike in the Southern Dynasties .

  28. 技术创新的生命周期决定着产业的兴衰与更替;

    Lifecycle of technical innovation decides industrial flourish and decay .

  29. 发作季节主要为冬季及季节更替时。

    The attack seasons were mostly in winter and during seasonal variation .

  30. 种质资源世代更替中基因漂变的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of Gene Drift in Genetic Resources during the Generation Alternations