
  • 网络Higher Realm;heightened state;Higher Ground
  1. 这是科技编辑要达到的更高境界。

    This is the higher state that the editors must achieve .

  2. 与它为我们所带来的更高境界。

    And all that it has done to make us great .

  3. 你帮我达到更高境界了。

    You have helped me reach the next level .

  4. 但是现在是打破限制我们的枷锁,升入更高境界的时候了。

    But now we must slip our bonds , and shift to the higher structure .

  5. 当人进化修成最完美境界之时,就会提升至更高境界的生命形态。

    And after man is man in perfectness , he will evolve to higher forms of life .

  6. 从社会管理的角度来看,慈善事业是一种更高境界的社会管理。

    From the point of view of social management , philanthropy is a higher realm of social management .

  7. 想到达更高境界。就得充分相信自己有实现目标的能力。

    When you want to get to a high place have confidence in your ability to get there .

  8. 我们的过去实际上一系列将我们的生活与爱提升到更高境界的课程。

    Our past is a series of lessons that advance us to higher levels of living and loving .

  9. 只有这两方面的有机结合,才能促进语文课堂教学伦理水平向更高境界迈进。

    Organic combination of these two aspects can promote ethical level of Chinese language classroom teaching to a higher realm .

  10. 当你能再度意识到更高境界,这会像是欢迎你回到家乡和一种赐福。

    This will seem like a welcome homecoming and a blessing when you will be aware of the higher realms again .

  11. 因为我爱英语,所以情不自禁要追求英语表达的更高境界,那可能需要花费我一生的时间。

    Because I love English , I can 't help pursuing higher English expressive level , although it 'll cost my whole life .

  12. 不断自我提高,去追求人生的更高境界,去追求更高级别的怜悯和自我提高。

    To grow into more of ourselves , always moving to the next level of understanding , the next level of compassion and growth .

  13. 虽然,发展性教师评价是更高境界的教师评价,但它必须以教师绩效评价所达到的严格、精确为现实基础。

    Although teacher professional development assessment is more advanced , it should have the strictness and accuracy of teacher performance assessment as its actual foundation .

  14. 每当我们问这类问题时,就会把她的注意力拉下来,而她只乐意提升我们到更高境界。

    She told us that when we ask such questions , we bring her down , and she wanted fervently to bring us up to higher levels .

  15. 不断提升自我,去追求人生的更高境界,去追求更高级别的怜悯的成长。

    So , to grow into being more of ourselves , always moving to the next level of understanding , the next level of compassion and growth .

  16. 作品虽没有达到现代《红楼梦》那样的高度,却对21世纪艺术创造走向更高境界具有重要启示。

    Though not being up to the standard of modern " A Dream of Red Mansions ", this works enlightens the artistic creation for greater grandeur in the new century .

  17. 如果说存分机制建设是起点,贷分机制是其深化与完善,则兑分机制就是其更高境界。

    If the saving credits mechanism is a point of departure and the loaning credits mechanism is deep and perfect , the exchanging credits mechanism will be Its higher state .

  18. 我所说的是想帮助大家进入悲伤的更高境界,那就是要明白为什们会发生这些,和这里面所包含的意义。

    My words are for those that are ready to move to the next level of grief , which is understanding why this happened and the meaning of it all .

  19. 21世纪的中国文学史研究如何在百年积累的基础上达到更高境界,这是文学史研究和文学史理论面临的新课题。

    Therefore , the new topic faced by literary history research and literary history theory is how to make literary history research reach a higher level based on a hundred years'accumulation .

  20. 要达到这样的美学境界,当然不是所有乐舞都能做到的,想到达更高境界,就得充分相信自己有实现目标的能力。

    Such a high aesthetic level was of course beyond the easy reach of most music and dances . When you want to get to a hight place , have confidence in your ability to get there .

  21. 芸芸众生为了颂扬自己,必须首先觉得是颂扬;他们必须在更高境界里再看见自己,而无须这完美的静观世界来督促或责备。

    but in order so to behold itself its creatures had first to view themselves as glorious , to transpose themselves to a higher sphere , without having that sphere of pure contemplation either challenge them or upbraid them with insufficiency .

  22. 通过分析测试性阅读到欣赏性阅读的转换,实现从语象境界到心象境界的升华,达到阅读的更高境界,提高大学生的阅读效率和效果。

    It is held that the shift from test-oriented reading to appreciative reading is helpful to improve college students ' reading efficiency as it can help them to transfer from the surface structure to the deep structure , and therefore to reach a higher level of reading .

  23. 从这个例子里引出的事实:无论MBS、自动采矿有多简单,职业选手都回取其所长,把游戏推倒一个更高的境界。

    The fact that you should take from this example is that : no matter how easy MBS , auto-mine * makes the game , pro-players will take advantage of it and push the game to a higher level .

  24. 我不知道你还有更高的境界。

    Chandler : I didn 't know you had another level .

  25. 正是通过受苦,我们才脱胎换骨,达到更高的境界。

    It is by suffering that we rise to our higher selves .

  26. 侯赛因国王生活在一个更高的境界。

    King Hussein lived his life on a higher plain .

  27. 这把钥匙可以带你到更高的境界。

    The key to your higher purpose .

  28. 这也使得武侠小说达到了一种更高的境界。

    In one word , Jin Yong makes the kungfu novel reach a higher realm .

  29. 你要达到更高的境界。

    You must reach the next level .

  30. 但其他的感官却更加的敏感,好像我达到更高的境界。

    But all my other senses are heightened , you know ? It 's like ... I was able to appreciate it onanother level .