
  • 网络Safe House;hideout;redoubt
  1. 如果他还有另一个储备如此充足的藏身之所,那他可以躲起来几个月不露面。

    If he had another well-stocked hideaway like this , he could stay holed up for months

  2. 当然,NBC环球也有一些好消息:《老雷斯的故事》(Dr.Seuss'TheLorax)表现出色,《藏身之所》(SafeHouse)也有不俗的成绩。

    There has been some good news at Universal Studios : Dr. Seuss ' the lorax did well , as did safe house .

  3. 走着瞧,我会找到你的藏身之所。

    Look , I can track down your sorry hide anywhere .

  4. 现在先帮他找一个藏身之所。

    But until then , I need a place for her .

  5. 他在博塞附近的普拉多地方找到了第一个藏身之所。

    He found his first refuge at Pradeaux , near Beausset .

  6. 也许它会把我们帝到亚马逊人的藏身之所。

    Maybe it could lead us to the Amazon mans trail .

  7. 这就是费耶德所说的阿萨德的藏身之所。

    This is where Fayed says Assad is right now .

  8. 跟着这个去那个亵渎者的藏身之所。

    And follow this man to the house wherein hides this blasphemer .

  9. 任何建筑的通风系统都是完美的藏身之所。

    The ventilation system of any building is a perfect hiding place .

  10. 刚才是他的新电影《藏身之所》的一个场景

    That 's a scene from his new movie , Safe House ,

  11. 他的最新作品《藏身之所》今日上映来看看吧

    His latest movie Safe House opens today , Take a look .

  12. 你不久就能一眼找出它们在沙子下面的藏身之所。

    You soon get good at spotting where they are under the sand .

  13. 他冲进森林,跑到强盗的藏身之所。

    He rushed into the forest and ran to the gang 's hide-out .

  14. 远离战争,这是个好的藏身之所。

    Far away from the war , well hidden .

  15. 可以诱使他走出藏身之所

    could help lure him out of hiding .

  16. 发现病毒的藏身之所是第一步,但这要求多年的研究。

    Finding that hide-out is a first step , but years of research lie ahead .

  17. 遇上龙卷风时,最重要的是在附近找个藏身之所。

    The most important thing to do is take shelter when a tornado is nearby .

  18. 你们有枪和藏身之所。

    You have weapons and shelter .

  19. 我感觉太难受,没法走远,看来这个塔是个最好的藏身之所。

    I felt too ill to go very far , and that seemed the best hiding place .

  20. 尽管他在这荒岛上从未发现过人迹,但他还是为自己修建了一个安全的藏身之所。

    Although he has never seen another living soul on the island , he makes himself a safe hiding place .

  21. 塔利班在巴基斯坦边境拥有安全藏身之所,这也是北约的在阿富汗国家重建要面对的一个大问题。

    The fact that the Taliban has safe havens across the border in Pakistan is also a huge problem for Nato 's nation-builders .

  22. 跟踪-猎人能发现各种各样动物的藏身之所,很容易就定位到你很难找到的动物。

    Beast Tracking-Hunters can find and follow a wide variety of animal tracks , allowing them to locate their elusive prey with ease .

  23. 每个人都需要一个秘密的藏身之所。不管是在外过夜,还是社团会议,树屋一直是一代又一代孩子们的避难所。

    Everyone needs a secret hideaway , and from sleep-overs to club meetings , tree houses have provided refuge for generations of kids .

  24. 落叶底下也为蟋蟀们提供了藏身之所,田鼠和许多其它生物也在大地上找寻庇护。

    The space beneath the leaves provided hiding places for crickets , field mice and many other creatures who sought protection in the earth .

  25. 他被盖世太保锁在一间牢房里,还挨了几小时鞭子——被审问他的藏身之所和兄弟的行踪。

    He was locked in a cell by the Gestapo and whipped for hours to reveal his hiding place and the whereabouts of his brother .

  26. 但要特别拿出来说的一点是我们的反恐是在巴基斯坦的协作下找到本拉登和他的藏身之所的。

    But its important to note that our counterterrorism cooperation with Pakistan helped lead us to bin Laden and the compound where he was hiding .

  27. 他已经在捕捉昆虫的时候学会了怎样走进格林盆泥潭去,因此能给那只猎狗找到一处安全的藏身之所。

    He had already on his insect hunts learned to penetrate the Grimpen Mire , and so had found a safe hiding-place for the creature .

  28. 反对派还提到他们抓获了卡扎菲的一个儿子,但是没提到卡扎菲的藏身之所。

    The rebels also said they had captured Col Gaddafi 's son Saif al-Islam , but there is no word of the colonel 's whereabouts .

  29. 他们想找一个藏身之所,但还没找到就被波兰下水道工人发现了。

    They wanted to find a place to hide , but before they could find a new home , they were found by Polish sewer workers .

  30. 谢谢你的到来我觉得你很棒《藏身之所》今天上映去看看吧我们一会回来谢谢

    It 's so nice having you again . I think you are terrific , and Safe House opens in theaters today , go and see it . We 'll be right back.Thank you .