
lòu cí tōng
  • leakage flux;leakage magnetic flux
漏磁通[lòu cí tōng]
  1. 利用大容量高速开关技术消除电抗器的漏磁通影响

    Eliminating Influence of Reactor Leakage Magnetic Flux by High Capacity High-speed Switch Technology

  2. 本文对样机进行了结构设计,提出了通过永久磁钢屏蔽漏磁通来提高电机转矩的新构想。

    The structural design of the prototype of the proposed shielding leakage magnetic flux through the permanent magnet to increase torque of the new ideas .

  3. 前向检测装置应用漏磁通和磁桥路平衡检测原理,采用集成霍尔元件和分压电路、LCD矩阵式键盘扩展设计。

    The former testing-sensor device is designed with the integrated hall-effect sensors , dropout voltage circuit , LCD , matrix keyboard according to the principle of leak-age flux and magnetic bridge balance .

  4. 探讨了气隙δ恒定情况下欲保持气隙磁密Bδ不变时极对数p与磁钢厚度hm之间的关系,研究了气隙δ、漏磁通?

    First , under constant air gaps , the relationship between pole number and magnet thickness was presented when air gap flux density is kept constant , also the relationship between pole pairs and thickness of non-magnetism bush was given when leakage flux is kept constant .

  5. 便携式漏磁通表面缺陷检测装置

    A portable device for magnetic flux leakage detection of surface flaws

  6. 漏磁通检测中铁磁材料的磁化状态

    The magnetization state of ferromagnetic material in magnetic flux leakage testing

  7. 利用漏磁通对钢丝绳进行无损探伤

    Non-destructive Crack Detection of Steel Wire Rope Using Leak Magnetic Flux

  8. 阐述了电磁式漏磁通法检测导磁材料厚度及缺陷的原理,推导了厚度测量的理论依据。

    Measuring principle of the thickness and defect of magnetic materials was given .

  9. 基于漏磁通的缺陷信号分析

    Defect Signal Analysis Based on Magnetic Flux Leakage

  10. 钢丝绳漏磁通应力效应的研究

    Research on Leakage Stress-magnetic Effect of Wire Ropes

  11. 高清晰管道漏磁通检测系统地面标记技术研究

    Research on the Above Ground Marking Technology of Pipeline Inspection Based on Magnetic-Flux Leakage Theory

  12. 法向漏磁通随外磁化场和矩形槽尺寸的变化

    Variation of normal component of magnetic flux leakage with applied magnetic field and dimension of rectangular slot

  13. 计算结果反映了气隙磁密沿轴向分布不均匀性及漏磁通的比例关系。

    Its result expresses proportional relation between distribution nonuniform of air-gap magnetic density in axial and leakage flux .

  14. 研究结果表明:利用漏磁通监测钢丝绳的疲劳损伤有潜在的工程开发价值。

    The results indicated that the monitoring wire rope fatigue damage by using MFL is potentially worthwhile to develop .

  15. 地面标记器是漏磁通法管道腐蚀缺损检测系统的重要组成部分。

    Above ground marker ( AGM ) is the significant part of magnetic flux leakage pipeline corrosion detection system .

  16. 新一代漏磁通内检测器地面标记系统设计

    Design of the New Above Ground Marker System of the Pipeline Internal Inspection Instrument Based on Magnetic-Flux Leakage Theory

  17. 法向漏磁通的峰峰值随外磁化场强度或有效磁感应强度的变化有相似的趋势;

    The variation of the peak peak value with applied magnetic field and effective magnetic induction had a similar tendency .

  18. 在不同的提离高度时,法向漏磁通的峰峰值随矩形槽宽度的变化趋势不同;

    The variation of the peak peak value with the width of rectangular slot had different tendency under different lift off .

  19. 法向漏磁通的峰峰值随矩形槽深度的变化受铁磁材料磁化状态影响;

    The variation of the peak peak value with the depth of rectangular slot was affected by magnetization of ferromagnetic material .

  20. 对于垂直式电磁搅拌器,提高搅拌效率的最有效措施是减少漏磁通。

    For vertical continuous casting with electromagnetic stirring , the most effective way to improve the stirring efficiency is to reduce leak magnetic flux .

  21. 提出采用主磁通与漏磁通相结合的方法检测在用油管剩余壁厚的方法。

    A measuring method combining main magnetic flux and magnetic flux leakage for approaching the residual wall thickness of the oil well tubing in-service was presented .

  22. 用磁偶极子模型讨论法向漏磁通随外磁化场和矩形槽尺寸的变化。

    The variation of normal component of magnetic flux leakage with applied magnetic field and the dimension of rectangular slot was discussed by using magnetic dipole model .

  23. 该电机利用装设在定、转子极间的永磁体,有效地屏蔽了极间漏磁通,提高了输出转矩。

    It is shown that the permanent magnet inserted between salient poles can increase the motor torque by reducing the flux leakage between the adjacent salient poles .

  24. 利用大容量高速开关装置,在正常运行时将串联电抗器短接,消除电抗器漏磁通对其周围的金属产生的涡流发热;

    By high capacity high-speed switch , the series reactor is shorted during normal operation , eliminating the reactor leakage magnetic flux to eddy hot produced metal member around it .

  25. 分析了标准音频信号磁带快速复制磁头的磁芯结构特点,并根据磁头的漏磁通分布,给出了磁头的等效磁路。

    This paper analyzed the structure of the high speed duplicating head for basical audio frequence tape , in term of the leakage distribution of the head , an equivalent magnetic circuit was put forward to .

  26. 考虑气隙中漏磁通,感应磁动势的分布效应,与软磁材料相对磁导率的非线性这几方面的影响,基于分段磁路的方法建立了器件的磁路模型。

    We consider the following parameters : gap magnetic flux leakage , the distribution effect of induction potential and the nonlinear permeability for permalloy . Based on the distributed method , the magnetic circuit model is setup .

  27. 在管道缺陷检测中,利用缺陷的漏磁通从而设计有效的漏磁检测装置来检测缺陷是目前研究的热点,而如何对漏磁检测数据进行大容量高保真数据压缩是其中的一个关键问题。

    Magnetic flux leak ( MFL ) theory is often utilized to design pipeline defect inspection device , and how to compress large capacity MFL detection data produced by the inspection process with high fidelity is a key problem .

  28. 在正常运行状况下(包括励磁涌流),由变压器原、副边绕组电阻、漏感和互感磁通等参数描述的变压器原、副边绕组回路方程是平衡的;

    First of all , the algorithm calculates the each side winding flux in equation which uses the transformer data ( currents and voltage ) and the transformer parameter including resistance and leakage inductance at each transformer terminal .