
  • 网络neglected loading
  1. 介绍汽车等速万向节传动轴的固定节(RF节)防止漏装钢珠的检测装置。

    A set of inspection equipment for steel ball of RF joint of automotive constant velocity universal joint drive shaft is introduced .

  2. 在装配过程中产生的主要质量问题是零件的漏装,错装等。

    The quality question in gearbox assembly line is mainly including miss place etc.

  3. 替换品或漏装的部件;

    Substituted or missing parts .

  4. 大亚湾核电站换料水箱漏装内部弯管的概率安全评价

    Probabilistic Safety Assessment on Neglected Installing Inlet Siphon of Refueling Water Storage Tank in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant

  5. 工人仅凭经验或纸张看板装配,会导致错装、漏装、多装等问题。

    Only the experience of workers or paper board assembly , will lead to the wrong gear , leaking equipment , multi-loading and so on .

  6. 鉴于上述情况,我们认为上述货物短少系付运前漏装所致。

    In view of the above , we are of the opinion that the shortage of the said cargo was due to short packing before shipment .

  7. 为较好解决混合装配线的错装与漏装问题,保证产品质量,同时降低由于操作复杂而导致的操作人员的劳动强度和压力,建立混合装配线的防错系统。

    In order to solve these problems , ensure the quality of product , at the same time reduce the stress of operators , mistake-proofing system has been developed .

  8. 药品包装生产时的质量问题主要有药片或胶囊的漏装、缺损、污渍和漏粉等等。

    The quality question in packing the tablet and the capsule is mainly including miss placed , body deformity , besmirch and the transudatory powder of capsule and so on .

  9. 在汽车混流装配的生产过程中,容易发生错装和漏装问题,或出现等料、送错料和缺料等情况,影响产品质量和生产效率。

    During the automobile mixed-model assembly production process , parts omitted and assembled wrongly occurrences easily , or come into being waiting materials , sending the wrong materials and starving , etc. affecting the quality of products and production efficiency .

  10. 发电机漏氢监测装王监测的对象是定子绕组水内冷系统及其封闭母线和密封油系统的密封性,它具有早期故障报警的重要作用。

    The monitoring device of generator hydrogen leakage has the important function for the earlier warning of fault .