
  • 网络management and technology
  1. 地铁工程施工技术管理与技术创新的思考

    Ponder on Technology Management and Technology Innovation for Subway Engineering Construction

  2. 过程系统管理与技术的综合集成

    Integration of Management and Technology in Process Manufacturing Systems

  3. EPC项目模式已经成为国际市场的主流承包模式,在此运行模式下国际和国内总承包商凭借自身管理与技术优势从中获取了丰厚的利润回报。

    EPC project model has become the mainstream of the international market contracting model , the international general contractor with their own management and technical advantages derived profitable returns .

  4. 本文提出企业核心竞争力是由内部能力(包括内部管理与技术创新)和外部能力(市场营销)组成。第三章引进创新,本文着重讲述了在DSF整体战略指导下的新产品引进创新策略。

    Chapter III-Introduction and innovation contributes more efforts in the introduction and innovation policy of new products guided by DSF general strategy .

  5. 加强管理与技术监督确保750kV示范工程安全稳定运行

    Strengthening Management and Technical Supervision to Guarantee Safe and Stable Operation of 750 kV Demonstration Project

  6. 拥有高素质的复合型的网络银行管理与技术人才。

    To armed with talents with comprehensive knowledge of net-banking management .

  7. 生产研究的大趋势:管理与技术紧密结合

    The Megatrends in Production Research : Management and Engineering Are Interwoven

  8. 硅谷创新体系中的知识管理与技术管理

    The knowledge & Technology Management in the silicon valley ' innovation system

  9. PC&1500机的钻探管理与技术档案汉字软件包

    A Chinese Character Software Package for Drilling Management and Technical Archives Storage

  10. 科学管理与技术进步是提高编目质量的关键&辽宁省地震编目工作回顾

    Scientific management and technological advance is the key to rais-ing catalogue quality

  11. 深基坑工程风险管理与技术应对措施

    Risk Management and Technical Countermeasures for Deep Foundation Pit Engineering

  12. 喷码机的设备管理与技术改造

    The facility management and technique rebuilding for inkjet printer

  13. 化工企业的成本管理与技术进步

    The Cost Administration and Technological Progress of Chemical Enterprises

  14. 贵方对管理与技术工作,将随时提出建议。

    You should give us managerial and technical advice from time to time .

  15. 依靠科学管理与技术进步实现全面节能降耗

    Overall by scientific management and technological progress

  16. 根据军用电子装备型号研制项目的特点,并针对存在的问题,本文对型号研制工作中的两个重要方面&计划管理与技术管理进行了研究和探讨,并提出了相应的解决方案。

    Some problems are faced to planning management and technology management of model research project .

  17. 公司拥有一批年轻化、高学历、高素质的管理与技术人才。

    The company has a group of younger , highly educated management and technical personnel .

  18. 危货管理与技术支持

    Dangerous Cargo Management and Technology Sustain

  19. 地铁车站深基坑施工第三方监测的管理与技术

    Management and Technology of the Third Party Monitoring in Deep Foundation Ditch Construction of Metro Stations

  20. 企业管理与技术经济

    Enterprise Management & Technological Economy

  21. 结果:提高了护理队伍的整体素质及病人满意度、护理管理与技术水平。

    Result : Nursing staff 's comprehensive quality , patients satisfaction , nursing administration and technical ability are improved .

  22. 在经济全球化背景下,知识管理与技术创新已成为企业核心竞争力的关键。

    Under the background of economic globalization , knowledge management and technical innovation have become the core competence of Enterprises .

  23. 管理与技术人才的缺乏是目前制约浙江民营企业深入发展的最大障碍。

    The greatest obstacle restricted the private enterprises ' further development is the lack of qualified managerial and technological personnel .

  24. 在此情况下,知识管理与技术创新的关系问题成为学术界的热点问题。

    In this case , the relative between Knowledge Management ( KM ) and TI has become hot topics for scholars .

  25. 这个国际会议中将探讨开放式资源的分享、管理与技术,以及对教育的有效利用与加强。

    This international conference will explore open course resources sharing , management , and technology for effective utilization and enhancement of education .

  26. 管理与技术并重完善运输职能适应钢铁生产需要

    Lay equal stress on both of management and technique , perfect transportation function to meet the demand of iron and steel production

  27. 第一,充分利用集群条件,重新构建企业管理与技术创新机制。

    The SMEs should , first , fully take advantage of conditions provided by clusters and reconstruct the mechanism of management and technology innovation ;

  28. 合作能力指数可以从基础管理与技术实力、信息化程度、现有合作形式等三个层面进行分析与度量。

    The capacity index could be analyzed and measured by basic management and technology , informationization level , and the existing form of cooperation .

  29. 知识管理与技术创新的这种相关性,具有具体的历史的统一性,二者的相互作用,又体现了否定之否定的递进性。

    The correlation of the knowledge management and technology innovation has historical and specific unity , their interaction show progression of the negation of negation .

  30. 在此过程中,企业业务流程重组、管理与技术创新都离不开信息技术的支撑。

    In this process , the Business Process Reengineering , the innovation of the management and technology is inseparable from the support of information technology .