
  • 网络household consumption rate;ratio of consumption to GDP
  1. 居民消费率稳步提高,形成消费、投资、出口协调拉动的增长格局。

    The ratio of consumption to GDP will increase steadily , and consumption , investment and export will be coordinated to boost economic growth .

  2. 对我国居民消费率下降原因的深层思考&基于国民收入分配的角度

    Reflections on the decrease of household consumption rate of China & In the perspective of national income distribution

  3. 中国居民消费率较低是现在中国宏观经济面临的最主要问题之一。

    It shows that China faces the problem of low household consumption .

  4. 改革开放三十年来中国居民消费率偏低的原因分析

    Analyzing Causes of Low Consumption Rate of Chinese Residents since Economic Reform

  5. 而教育公共支出对与居民消费率的作用并不显著。

    However , the impact of public expenditure on education is not significant .

  6. 中国农村居民消费率研究

    The Study of Rural Consumption Rate in China

  7. 消费率偏低主要是居民消费率部分偏低,且下降迅速。

    While the consumption rate especially the citizen consumption rate is lower and declines more rapidly .

  8. 本文首先对农村居民消费率进行理论上的引入和解释,对自改革开放二十多年以来的农村居民消费率进行实证分析。

    As the data analysis to rural consumption rate in our country since reform and opening-up .

  9. 研究结果表明,国民收入分配格局对居民消费率有显著的影响。

    The results show that the distribution of national income has a significant impact on consumption .

  10. 1990年以来中国居民消费率变动的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis of China 's Household Consumption Rate and Its Change since the End of 1990s

  11. 必须把适当提高居民消费率和消费倾向作为经济增长的一项重要任务。

    Proper increase of residents consuming rate and consuming confidence should be taken as an important task .

  12. 解决农村居民消费率偏低的问题也成为了我国制定经济政策的出发点之一。

    How to solve the problem of low rural consumption rate is the basis of making economics policies .

  13. 未来,老年赡养负担变化对居民消费率的影响值得进一步关注。

    In the future , the influence of old age support burden change on consumption is worth further attention .

  14. 通过这些研究,希望能够找到影响居民消费率的一些因素和原因。

    Through these studies , the residents hope to find some of the factors and consumption rates of causes .

  15. 但在频繁运用各种货币政策工具后调控效果仍不理想,居民消费率仍然不断下降。

    However , frequent use of various monetary policies did not help the situation , China consumption rate was still declining .

  16. 20世纪90年代以来中国的居民消费率从总体上呈现出下降的趋势。

    Since the end of the nineties of the 20th century , China 's Household Consumption Rate underwent a declining process .

  17. 针对农民消费率持续下降的现实状况,分析出农村居民消费率持续低迷的原因,主要有以下几点:农村居民收入总体水平不高;

    This paper gives the reasons of low rural consumption rate as following : Low level of rural residents ' income ;

  18. 在本文的最后一章,总结了本文的观点并提出关于居民消费率对城市化率影响方面的研究展望。

    At the end of the paper , summarizes the points of this paper and proposes the prospect of the study on this subject .

  19. 最后,分析了我国居民消费率偏低的主要原因,提出了如何提高消费对经济增长贡献度的对策建议。

    Finally we analysis the main reasons for the low rate , propose policy recommendations how to improve the contribution of consumption to economic growth .

  20. 这里也面临储蓄率较高、居民消费率相对偏低的问题。研究上海城市居民的消费行为,对增强上海市经济发展的内在动力和中国经济健康平稳的发展有重要意义。

    It is very important for the economy of shanghai even China to develop steadily and healthily , that study Shanghai urban residents ' consumption behavior .

  21. 本论文根据这一思想,试图从人口年龄结构变动的视角分析居民消费率变动问题。

    Based on this hypothesis , we tried to analysis the dynamics of domestic consumption ratio from the point of population age structure changing in this thesis .

  22. 其原因在于投资率偏高、居民消费率偏低和有效供给不足。

    The main reasons lies in that the investment ratio is in high , the citizen consumption ratio is lower and the effective supply is in shortage .

  23. 我们经常所说的扩大内需针对的是居民消费率的提高,而非居民消费的简单增加。

    The expansion of domestic demand , we often discussed , means increasing the consumption rate , rather than a simple increase in the absolute amount of consumption .

  24. 消费对经济增长具有巨大的拉动作用,我国的总消费率和居民消费率偏低已经严重影响到经济增长。

    Consumption plays a key role in economic growth , and the total and household consumption rate in China are so low as to have influenced economic growth severely .

  25. 但问题在于,我国投资率主要是固定资产投资率近几年开始出现迅速上升趋势,消费率尤其居民消费率相应快速下降。

    But the investment rate , especially the fixing asset investment rate has inclined , while the final consumption rate , especially citizen consumption rate has declined rapidly in recent years .

  26. 其中,居民消费率从1996年的47%下降到2003年的43%,与钱纳利标准模式的61%相去甚远。

    The household consume rate in china dropped from 47 % in 1996 to 43 % in 2003 , less than the standard of 61 % ( which Chenery proposed ) .

  27. 由分析得出提高农村居民消费率低的可能性后,研究出相关的经济对策和建设性建议包括:提高农村居民收入水平;

    After analyzing the difficulties and feasibility of the low rural consumption rate , there are many correlative economics policies and constructive suggestions following : heightening the level of rural income ;

  28. 近十年来,我国居民消费率持续下降,已远低于世界平均水平,并逐渐成为了制约经济增长和人民生活水平同步提高的瓶颈。

    During the last ten years , Chinese household consumption rate has been sliding down to below world average and gradually become a bottleneck of further economic growth and improvement of living standard .

  29. 一方面要提升消费、扩大内需,以消费拉动经济,增加居民消费率,加快储蓄资金的区域流动性,减少居民储蓄率,缓解储蓄资金分布不平衡。

    Onthe one hand , to promote consumption , expanding domestic demand , consumption economy , increase the ratio of consumption , accelerate the regional liquidity of savings , reduce the rate , reduce savings distribution imbalance .

  30. 但是,90年代以来,我国居民消费率持续下降,消费需求不足却一直都是困扰中国的问题,尤其是国际经济危机引发后使这一问题更加尖锐和凸显。

    However , from 1990s , the rate of residents consumption declined continuously , lack of consumer demand in China was the hard nut , particularly , the international economic crisis caused this problem is more acute and prominent .