
  1. 世界经济发展历程表明,服务业是吸纳劳动力的主力军。

    The development process of the world economy expresses that the service industry is the main industry which creates employment and absorbs the labor resources .

  2. 纵观世界经济发展历程,产业集聚和城市化之间是相伴相随、相辅相成的关系。

    From the view of the world economic history , we find that industrial agglomeration and urbanization are associated between the quest , a mutually supportive relationship .

  3. 从世界经济发展的历程来看,城市化是加快经济发展的一条重要经验。

    From the aspect of the development of world economy , urbanization is a piece of important experience to accelerate economic progress .

  4. 纵观近代以来世界经济发展的历程,金融泡沫总是与我们的经济社会如影随形,而每一次泡沫的生成和破灭总会对经济社会造成破坏性的影响。

    In the modern world economy , financial bubbles always go hand in hand with our economic society , the generation and bursting of bubbles always bring about devastating impact .

  5. 追溯世界经济发展的历程可以发现,内河航运、海运、铁路以及高速公路依次兴替,推动了经济的发展。

    Retrospective of world economic development history can be found , inland water transport , shipping , railway and the highway rise and fall in order to promote economic development .

  6. 世界经济的发展历程已经证明,当科技进步与经济发展进入良性循环的时候,科技进步将会促进社会经济的快速增长,反之亦然。

    The history of the world economy development has proved that Scientific and Technological progress will promote the rapid growth of society and economy when Scientific and Technological progress and economic development enter a virtuous circle time , and vice versa .

  7. 在世界各国经济的发展历程中,农业发展问题始终是各国政府最难解决,而又必须解决的问题。

    Agricultural problem is one of the most important and difficult problems faced by most countries in the world to be solved .

  8. 从二战后世界各国经济发展的历程可以得出一个基本结论:物质资源的短缺,不能从根本上阻止一个国家从落后向发达的跃进。

    From World War II the economic development of countries in the world can draw a basic conclusion : the shortage of material resources , can not fundamentally prevent a country from a backward leap to advanced .

  9. 综观世界各国的经济发展历程,城乡产业关系大体上经历了四个阶段,即乡村产业孕育城市产业阶段、城乡产业对立阶段、城市产业反哺乡村产业的阶段和城乡产业融合发展阶段。

    Looking from the process of world economic development , the urban-rural industrial relationship mainly experienced four stages , that is rural industries bred urban industries , urban and rural industries developed contradictorily , urban industries return nurtured rural industries and integrated development of urban-rural industries .