
  • 网络World Youth Festival;World Youth Day
  1. 为期九天的天主教世界青年节星期一在澳大利亚结束。教皇为受害者祈祷,并和他们对话。

    The pontiff held prayers and spoke with them Monday at the conclusion of a nine-day visit for World Youth Day , an international Catholic festival .

  2. 为期九天的天主教世界青年节星期一在澳大利亚结束。教皇为受害者祈祷,并和他们对话。神职人员猥亵儿童的问题在很大的程度上给教皇在世界青年日期间到澳大利亚的访问蒙上了阴影。

    The issue of abusive clergy in large part overshadowed the pope 's visit to Australia for World Youth Day .

  3. 潮州大锣鼓曾获得世界青年联欢节金奖。

    The Chaozhou Drum Performance was awarded the Gold Prize in the World Youth Union Party .

  4. 她先后担任过中央歌舞团和中央乐团独奏演员,并于1951年和1956年分别在东柏林第三届世界青年学生联欢节和第一届舒曼国际钢琴比赛中获奖。

    She was prizewinner of the Piano Competition of the3rd World Youth & Students Festival in1951 and of the1st Schumann International Piano Competition in1956 in East Berlin .