
  • 网络halloween;All Hallows' Eve;Halloween eve
  1. 在万圣节前夜,孩子们按照习俗从一个房子跑到另一个房子。

    Children go from house to house in costumes on Halloween night .

  2. 我想去参加一个特别的万圣节前夜舞会。

    I 'd like to go to a special Halloween Dance party .

  3. 我这人有一大袋新糖,现在是万圣节前夜。

    I have a whole new bag of candy here , post-Halloween .

  4. 万圣节前夜一年之中孩子们最喜欢的夜晚。

    Halloween is one of children 's favourite nights of the year .

  5. 年龄年夜的男孩批示咱们在万圣节前夜将雕像漆红。

    Older boys put us up to pointing the statue red on Halloween .

  6. 每年万圣节前夜,都这个样子。

    Every Halloween it 's the same thing .

  7. 与美国人心理最接近的节日莫过于万圣节前夜。

    Few holidays tap into the American psyche so close - ly as Halloween .

  8. 在万圣节前夜的时候哈利会在哪里?

    Where will Harry be on Halloween ?

  9. 亲爱的南瓜大王,我热切期待万圣节前夜您的到来。

    Dear Great Pumpkin , I am looking forward to your arrival on Halloween night .

  10. 天是蓝色,草是绿色,齐来庆祝万圣节前夜。

    The sky is blue , the grass is green , may we have our Halloween .

  11. 用南瓜刻成的人面形灯笼是万圣节前夜的最典型的标志,它起源于爱尔兰。

    The jack-o ' - lantern , most typical of Halloween symbols , began with the Irish .

  12. 万圣节前夜偶尔也有成年人的舞会,工人日夜不停地加紧建成那些基地。

    There is an occasional adult Halloween Dance . Workmen were labouring day and night to complete the bases .

  13. 在万圣节前夜我们穿戴面具的服装。我喜欢扮成鬼。

    We wear the clothing of mask in the Halloween night before last . I like to disguise as ghost .

  14. 蝙蝠侠或者蝙蝠女侠面具特别适合小孩们的聚会,也可以再万圣节前夜当做大人们的玩具。

    These batman or batgirl masks are great for children 's parties , Halloween or even an adult fancy dress party !

  15. 在苏格兰和爱尔兰,孩子们会在万圣节前夜打扮成精灵和鬼怪的样子,挨家挨户讨要食物和硬币。

    Children disguised in costumes going door to door for food and coins was traditional at Halloween in Scotland and Ireland .

  16. 在万圣节前夜,人们可以装扮成骑着扫帚飞的女巫,或是在舞池中起舞的幽灵。

    On Halloween , people can dress as a witch flying on broomsticks , or a ghost dancing on the dance floor .

  17. 神经节细胞束被肿瘤彻底的分散。谜底在万圣节前夜揭开就太早了。

    Clusters of ganglion cells were scattered throughout the tumor . Halloween is too early for the final answers to be revealed .

  18. 如果你反穿着衣服在万圣节前夜倒着走路,那么你就能在半夜见到女巫;

    If you put your clothes on wrong side out and walk backwards on Halloween night you will see a witch at midnight .

  19. 尽管如此,万圣节前夜主要是孩子们的节日??孩子越小,就越兴奋。

    But Halloween has become mainly a young people 's holiday and the younger the child , the more exciting he finds it .

  20. 多少年来,万圣节前夜的习俗都大同小异。但最近美国儿童想出了新花样。

    Through the years Halloween customs have changed little , but recently children in the United States have given the holiday a new dimension .

  21. 1950年,费城的一所主日学校的学生提出要让全世界儿童与他们一起共享万圣节前夜讨得的东西。

    In1950 a Sunday school class in Philadelphia found a way of sharing their " trick or treat " loot with children around the world .

  22. 万圣节前夜的大部分习俗与民间对妖魔和鬼魂的迷信有关。

    One of the traditions popular on the night of Halloween is trick-or-treat , the main Halloween activity for most children in the United States .

  23. 1517年10月31日,也就是万圣节前夜,马丁·路德在威登堡城堡大教堂门口以学术争论方式张贴出欢迎辩论的《九十五条论点》。

    ON THE evening before All Saints ' Day in 1517 , Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg .

  24. 不要问我,巨怪们应该都傻得出奇,罗恩说,也许是皮皮鬼把它放进来的,为了给万圣节前夜增加点儿乐子。

    Don 't ask me , they 're supposed to be really stupid , said Ron . Maybe Peeves let it in for a Halloween joke .

  25. 万圣节前夜起源于与邪恶幽灵相关的庆祝活动,所以骑着扫帚的女巫、幽灵、小妖精和骷髅都是万圣节的标志物。

    Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits . Witches flying on broomsticks with ghosts , goblins and skeletons have all evolved as symbols of Halloween .

  26. 在万圣节前夜,所有人都出来玩不给糖就捣乱时,我们发现有很多孩子生活在这里,而我们却从没见到过,因此感到十分惊讶。

    On Halloween , when everybody was out to trick or treat , we were surprised by how many children actually lived here whom we had never seen .

  27. 宗教上比较保守的父母每年都竭力要在学校里禁止雕万圣节前夜南瓜,或穿鬼怪服装,他们宣称这会教孩子们崇拜撒旦。

    Religiously conservative parents make annual attempts to ban Halloween pumpkins and ghost costumes from schools because , they claim , it teaches the children to worship Satan .

  28. 美国最特别的一些性格特点好出风头、教极端主义、妄想狂以及贪婪到了万圣节前夜都一起参加庆祝或抗议,也有人以此发财。

    Some of the nation 's most distinctive character traits-exhibitionism , religious extremism , paranoia , and greed-all come together on Halloween to celebrate , protest , and turn a profit .

  29. 人们为了在万圣节前夜吓走这些游魂,便用芜菁、甜菜或马铃薯雕刻成可怕的面孔来代表提着灯笼的杰克,这就是南瓜灯(Jack-o'-lantern)的由来。

    To scare these souls away on Halloween , the Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips , beets or potatoes representing " Jack of the Lantern , " or Jack-o-lantern .

  30. 万圣节前夜被传统地认为是分开生与死两个世界的帷幔在一年当中最微薄的一个晚上。

    All Hallows Eve has been traditionally seen as the one night of the year when the veil ( yes , the veil ) that separates the worlds of the living and the dead is at its most thin and penetrable .