
  1. 西部城乡居民消费需求对西部GDP贡献的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Contribution of Consumption Demand about Urban and Rural Residents to Western GDP

  2. 收入不平等和居民消费需求不足:基于VAR模型的实证研究

    Income Inequality and the Lacking of Residents Consumer Demand & An Empirical Research Based on VAR Model

  3. VAR结果表明,我国通货紧缩的初始冲击主要是民间投资的下降,而导致紧缩局面进一步恶化的最主要因素则在于居民消费需求萎缩;

    The VAR results show that the deflation was precipitated primarily by shocks to private investment and deepened mainly by the sharp decline of consumption .

  4. 青海省城镇居民消费需求的ELES模型分析

    Analysis on the Consumption Demand of the Urban Resident in Qinghai by ELES Model

  5. 城镇居民消费需求与消费结构变动分析&基于ELES模型

    An Analysis on Change of Consumer Demand and Consumer Structure of Chinese Urban Residents & Based on ELES Model

  6. 社会保障与扩大居民消费需求

    On Social Security and the Expansion of Consumption Demand of Residents

  7. 云南省农村居民消费需求探析

    An Analysis of Consumer Needs by Rural Residents of Yunnan Province

  8. 我国城镇居民消费需求结构计量经济分析

    The econometric analyses of consumption structure of urban residents in China

  9. 海南省农村居民消费需求影响因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Impacting Consumption of Rural Residents in Hainan Province

  10. 贵州省农村居民消费需求偏低的原因和对策分析

    Deficiency of Consuming Demand of Guizhou Rural Residents : Causes and Countermeasures

  11. 论居民消费需求不足的原因及对策

    The Cause and Countermeasure of Lack of Resident Consumed Demand

  12. 河南省城镇居民消费需求函数模型及分析

    Analysis and Consumption Demand Function Models of Urban Residents in Henan Province

  13. 中国农村居民消费需求的制约因素与对策研究

    Factors Restricting Consumption Demand of Chinese Countryside Residents : Analysis and Countermeasures

  14. 公平收入分配与启动居民消费需求

    Fair Income Distribution and Promotion of Residents ' Consume Demand

  15. 美日居民消费需求结构的变动

    Changes of Resident Consumption Demand Structures in American and Japan

  16. 我国居民消费需求分析与预测

    An Analysis and Forecast of Consumer Demand of Chinese Residents

  17. 江西省居民消费需求变动与产业结构调整

    Changes in Individual Consume Demand and Adjustment in Industry Structure in Jiangxi

  18. 进一步扩大农村居民消费需求的思考

    The Thought of Expanding the Consuming Demands of Rural Residents

  19. 促进国内居民消费需求的理论诠释及政策建议&基于财政税收政策的视角

    On Promoting Consumption by Domestic Residents : Theoretical Interpretation and Policy Suggestions

  20. 扩大农村居民消费需求的制约因素及其政策建议

    Constraints and the Policy Recommendations for Expansion of the Rural Consumer Demand

  21. 收入分配对中国城镇居民消费需求影响的实证分析

    Positive analysis : effects of income distribution on Chinese urban households ' consumption

  22. 运用财政税收政策扩大居民消费需求

    On the Application of Fiscal and Tax Policy to Expand Resident Consumption Demand

  23. 青岛市农村居民消费需求现状、热点及对策

    Status , Focus and Countermeasures on Consumer Demand of Rural Residents in Qingdao

  24. 农村居民消费需求不足的制度政策原因

    The Reason for the inadequacy of the Consuming Demand of the Country Residents

  25. 海南省城镇居民消费需求实证研究

    A Positivist Approach to the Consumption Demand of Urban Households in Hainan Province

  26. 当前我国农村居民消费需求不足的原因及对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of Insufficiency of Present Rural Residents ' Consumption Demand in China

  27. 中国农村居民消费需求分析

    A Study of Rural Residents ' Consumption Needs

  28. 对我国居民消费需求的探讨

    A Discussion about People 's Consumption in China

  29. 从居民消费需求看我国居民收入分配中的差距问题

    On the difference in income from consume demand

  30. 第四部分对我国居民消费需求现状进行了系统的分析。

    The fourth part has systematically analyzed the status of consumer demand in China .