
  • 网络home environment
  1. 三只玻璃杯,非常适合作为餐馆或者居家环境里的道具。

    Glassware , perfectly for restaurant scene or home environment .

  2. 目的调查和分析老年髋部骨折术后患者居家环境改进需求情况。

    Objective To evaluate postoperative home environment safety needs of old patients with hip fracture in Guangzhou .

  3. 创建一个安全的居家环境给孩子探索。

    Create a safe home where your child can explore .

  4. 和重建他的经济状况及居家环境所感动。

    And determination in rebuilding his financial and domestic circumstances .

  5. 居家环境致跌因素评估在提高老人对致跌危险因素的认识中的作用

    Home Fall Hazards Assessment in Raising the Awareness of HFH among the Elderly

  6. 结果居家环境卫生改善,适宜的体能锻炼的一级预防策略;

    RESULTS The old cadres were divided into common prevention group and important prevention group by evaluating their body condition .

  7. 色彩有冷暖色调之分,居家环境的色彩也不应单一。

    Colour has the branch with tonal changes in temperature , reside the colour of an environment to also do not answer onefold .

  8. 家世界构成中的庭园价值&中国传统居家环境结构的二元对立统一律分析

    The Value of Courtyard in " Family World " Structure & " The Law of the Unity of Opposites " in Traditional Chinese Dwelling Place

  9. 收纳整理日常生活用品是家庭生活中的一个重要环节,它直接影响到整体居家环境与家庭生活质量。

    The proper organization and storage of goods weighs much in our daily life , it has direct effect on the quality of living space and circumstance .

  10. 中国传统居家环境是一种形式特殊的家世界,它的构成遵循二元对立统一律。

    A traditional Chinese dwelling place was a special kind of " family world " which structure is followed " the law of the unity of opposites " .

  11. 作为重庆著名的花园城区和国家卫生城区,其青山绿水自然交融、人文地理和谐一体,其空气质量与社会安全等均领先于重庆市其他主城区,堪称一流的居家环境;

    As the famous Garden District and National Hygienic District in Chongqing , beautiful nature and humane environment mingle naturally together , which provide the first-class living environment .

  12. 本文介绍社区、工作职场、居家环境中常见的化学毒物,以及其对育龄期男女受孕与胚胎发展之影响。

    This paper introduces chemical toxicants prevalent in the community , workplace , and home and also the impact of exposure to such on conception and fetal development .

  13. 其中涉及人体损伤、人的需求、设计用材、结构设计、人机工程学、语意学、外观造型、居家环境等具体问题。

    In which , involve specific issues such as human injury , human needs , design materials , structural design , ergonomics , semantics , appearance , home environment .

  14. 相对于你对自己身份和居家环境的用心而言,你可能不太注意自己的外型,因为你觉得那些是别人用来评价你的重要标准。

    You are probably less concerned with your physical appearance than with the status and beauty of your home or general surroundings , by which others will judge you .

  15. 在张园,市民阶层与新文明、洋物件产生直接接触与互动,进一步拓展了中国人的生活空间,诱使他们的闲暇生活开始摆脱局促的居家环境的限制而转向更宽广的娱乐空间。

    In Zhang Garden , citizens interact with new civilization and foreign objects directly , which further expand the life space of people , and leaded them get out the limitation of their narrow home environment and walk into broader entertainment space .

  16. 居住社区作为人们生活、休息、工作的基本场所,对于身处都市中的人们,拥有宁静、舒适的居家休闲环境才符合居住者的需求。

    As common location for living , relax and work , residents need silent and comfortable housing surroundings .

  17. 在苹果宣布这一消息之际,该公司正加速摆脱英特尔芯片,并迎合居家办公的环境。

    The announcement comes as Apple speeds its migration away from Intel chips and a work-from-home world .