
yòng yì
  • intention;purpose;meaning
用意 [yòng yì]
  • [purpose;intention] 居心,动机或意图

  • 你这么说是什么用意

用意[yòng yì]
  1. 布莱纳说他的用意是将剧本中的隐晦含意在电影中清晰明白地表现出来。

    Branagh says that it was his intention to make explicit in the film what was only implicit in the play .

  2. 我简直揣摩不透他的用意。

    I simply couldn 't figure out his intention .

  3. 我要是知道他们的用意就好了。

    I wish I knew what they were driving at .

  4. 他的用意不明。

    His motives are unclear .

  5. 我看不出那样投球用意何在。

    I can 't see the point of bowling a ball like that

  6. 她说这些指控用意恶毒。

    She described the charges as malicious .

  7. 他讲这寓言故事是有用意的。

    He had some motive in telling this fable .

  8. 我说这话的用意,只是想劝告他一下。

    I said all that just to give him some advice .

  9. 其用意昭然。

    His intention is quite clear .

  10. 要是我当时知道她的用意,我就会向主席控告了。

    If I had known what she was getting at , I would have complained to the chairman .

  11. 阿瑟突然变得非常友好,但我知道他有什么用意&他正想找一个人推荐他成为高尔夫球俱乐部的会员。

    Arthur has suddenly got very friendly , but I know what his game is & he 's trying to get somebody to propose him for membership of the golf club .

  12. 这次派他去侦察,很可能又是将军调他到侦察排的用意的进一步发挥。

    The patrol was quite likely an extension of the General 's motives in assigning him to reconnoitre .

  13. 与之用意相同的表达是“annualreport”,也就是每年发布一次的报告。

    Think of an " annual report ," a report published just once a year .

  14. 从某种意义上讲,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)派大使出席的用意简单明了。

    In one sense , President Barack Obama 's decision to send the ambassador was straightforward .

  15. 美国经济刺激法案中的“购买美国产品”(buyamerican)条款具有争议,但其政治用意相当明了:美国纳税人的钱应用于创造本国就业。

    The political imperative of the controversial buy American provisions in the economic stimulus bill is clear : US taxpayer dollars should create jobs at home .

  16. 你有读过RoyFielding描述REST的论文原文吗?你真的明白它的最初用意吗?

    Have you read Roy Fielding 's original paper describing REST and do you understand it 's intended purpose ?

  17. 另外,也需要编写游戏逻辑、外星人AI以及能感知用户击键用意的代码等等。

    You write the game logic , the alien AI , the code to read the user 's will from the keyboard and so on .

  18. 但是,首相托尼布莱尔(tonyblair)在前往中东试图促成巴勒斯坦的一项协议的途中,道出了另外的用意。

    But Tony Blair , en route to the Middle East to try to broker a deal in Palestine , let other cats out of the bag .

  19. 入世议定书对WTO不歧视规则的新发展,也充分体现了时代的必然性,除了有直接针对中国具体情况的用意之外,还有更为深刻的根源:即对实践经验的总结与升华。

    The new developments brought about by the Protocol fully embody the trends of our time , which have some deeper origins , namely , the conclusion and perfection of practical experience , besides the intention of harmonizing with China 's specific situation .

  20. 现在,摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobility)这个去年被谷歌(Google)收购的没落的手机行业先驱者即将发布一款名为MotoX的旗舰手机,它的设计用意是让这些功能用起来更简便快捷。

    Now , Motorola Mobility , the faded cellphone pioneer purchased by Google last year , is about to release a flagship phone , the Moto X , that aims to make those functions easier and quicker .

  21. 这位作家非常多产,《屋顶上的小提琴》(FiddlerontheRoof)就是根据他的作品改编的,在他从事写作之初,并不想让亲戚们知道自己是用意第绪语而不是希伯来语写作。

    At the start of his career , the prolific writer whose work would inspire " Fiddler on the Roof " didn 't want his relatives to know he was publishing in Yiddish rather than Hebrew .

  22. LouisVuitton的时装经常会让我们觉得俗辣,但这不能说明大家眼光有问题,也不是LV设计的问题,毕竟人家的用意,根本就不是要卖时装。

    Louis Vuitton 's fashion often makes us feel Sula , This does not mean you have vision problems , nor is the LV design problem , after all , people 's intention is simply not sell fashion .

  23. 到2008年才有了统一的emoji“字母表”(用意在于减少各种平台中的不一致),2011年,苹果公司使用了它们,把它们加入到iOS5操作系统中去。

    It wasn 't until 2008 that a uniform emoji alphabet was created ( the idea was to minimize inconsistency across platforms ) , and Apple adopted it in 2011 , adding it to its iOS5 operating system .

  24. 他那么想去,无非是那个用意。

    She is determined to go , merely on that account .

  25. 我的用意来自于我的心底。

    And I mean it from the bottom of my heart .

  26. 我不理解他的用意何在。

    I couldn 't figure out what he was hinting at .

  27. 邓蒂斯讲话的用意是要听听他自己的声音。

    Dantes spoke for the sake of hearing his own voice .

  28. 我不理解他行为改变的用意所在。

    I don 't understand the meaning of his changed behaviour .

  29. 你究竟是什麽用意,能向我透露一点吗。

    Can you give me some indications as to your intention .

  30. 我倒想知道他的行动用意何在。

    Eg. I should like to know what his action imports .