
  • 网络Hosting Provider
  1. Mosso是著名的托管服务提供商TheRackspaceCloud的子公司,它提供几种不同的云计算服务。

    Mosso , a subsidiary of the well-known hosting provider The Rackspace Cloud , has a few different offerings in cloud computing .

  2. JoyentAccelerator提供传统托管服务提供商的许多灵活性,同时提供云计算的关键特性&随需计算。

    Joyent Accelerator gives you much of the flexibility of traditional hosting providers , but with the on-demand computing key to cloud computing .

  3. 如果没有从一个区域到另一个区域的IaaS故障转移机制,那么用户有可能会投靠其他IaaS托管服务提供商。

    If the policy on the IaaS failover mechanism from one region to another is not in place , the users could go to a different IaaS host provider .

  4. 政府可以推出新的机制,让主机托管服务提供商为罪犯客户造成的破坏承担责任。

    It could introduce new mechanisms to hold hosting companies liable for the damage done by their criminal clientele .

  5. 毕竟,为坏蛋服务的主机托管服务提供商也有合法顾客,两者都为网络接入支付费用。

    After all , the hosting company that caters to crooks also has legitimate customers , and both pay for Internet access .

  6. 因而,大多数人选择将自己的电子邮件地址委托给其他人托管(某些邮件托管服务提供商)。

    Instead , most people delegate the hosting of their e-mail address to someone else ( some mail hosting service provider ) .