
  • 网络TOSCA;TUSCAN;Toska
  1. 本季剧目包括易卜生(Ibsen)的《玩偶之家》(ADoll’sHouse)和普契尼(Puccini)的《托斯卡》(Tosca)。

    This season 's productions include Ibsen 's " A Doll 's House " and Puccini 's " Tosca . "

  2. (她的另一个儿子金巴尔和女儿托斯卡更外向。)

    ( son kimbal and daughter Tosca were much more outgoing ) .

  3. 托斯卡我已经受够你了

    Truscott , I am getting extremely fed up with you .

  4. 托斯卡的一座城市;是著名的比萨斜塔所在地。

    A city in Tuscany ; site of the famous Leaning Tower .

  5. 哦托斯卡你是个很有趣的英国人

    Oh , Truscott , you are very funny Englishman .

  6. 托斯卡辩称,这种威胁是空洞的。

    Tosca argues that such threats are empty .

  7. 他曾与伯恩斯坦一起计划拍摄一部业余的电影,改编自普契尼的歌剧托斯卡。

    He made a home movie take-off of Puccini 's Tosca with Leonard Bernstein .

  8. 特纳画了个托斯卡那风景的素描。

    Turner sketched the Tuscan landscape .

  9. 川斯克夫人告诉托斯卡先生

    Mrs. Truscott tell Mr. Truscott ...

  10. 新加坡近年作品包括:《雷雨》(2006)、《托斯卡》(2007)和《舞国女皇》(2008)。

    His Singapore productions include Thunderstorm ( 2006 ), Tosca ( 2007 ), and I am Queen ( 2008 ) .

  11. 她和托斯卡住在朋友家,直到她们在多伦多找到一处租金管制的住处,埃隆才搬过来一起住。

    She and Tosca lived with a friend until they found a rent-controlled place in Toronto , where Elon joined them .

  12. 三幕歌剧《托斯卡》是一部享誉世界的作品,它是普契尼真实主义歌剧的代表作。

    The three-act opera " Tosca " is a world-renowned works , it is the true doctrine ofPuccini ' sopera masterpiece .

  13. 第二章是对《托斯卡》音乐的主要特点的研究,分为声乐和器乐两个部分。

    Chapter 2 is the study of music features of Tosca which can be divided into two parts-vocal music and instrumental music .

  14. 意大利中部一城市,位于阿尔诺河畔;托斯卡的首府;世纪到世纪是意大利文艺复兴的中心。

    A city in central Italy on the Arno River ; provincial capital of Tuscany ; center of the Italian renaissance from 14th to 16th centuries .

  15. 所以他还邀请他去罗马参加“托斯卡”的排演,这个传统歌剧剧目的现代版。

    So he invited Vitas to come to Rome to take part in the rehearsals of " Tosca ", the modern version of the legendary opera .

  16. 第一章是对《托斯卡》的创作背景以及剧中人物关系的总体概述。

    In chapter 1 , it studied the background of the creation of Tosca and gave a general overview on the relationship of the characters in this opera .

  17. 第一章真实主义与普契尼的歌剧创作,对普契尼的真实主义歌剧创作思想作一阐述,并且着重介绍了其作品中的《艺术家的生涯》、《托斯卡》、《蝴蝶夫人》三大歌剧。

    The contents are as follows : In Chapter one , Verism and Puccini 's Major Operas , the author elaborates Puccini 's verism in opera creation , and introduces his three major operas : La boheme , Tosca , and Madam Butterfly .